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Found 11 results

  1. So, we have a SUE department and they use all sorts of line styles, example: -----CaTV D-----. The issue is that when exporting to a KML/KMZ file using GE Pro, the lines display in GE as solid lines. Going from Microstation to GE, the line styles display just as they do in the dgn. Anyone know any information about this or a way to resolve it? Currently, we're going from Acad to DGN to KML/KMZ to get the line styles to display. Thanks in advance!
  2. Is there a quick and practical way to get X & Y values on a polyline other than by way of "LIST". because I need the X & Y value just like the 2nd image. Thank you Master. img 1 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1KbDu2x_byvU2F6NlpvNWJrU0k img 2 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1KbDu2x_byvVE9qdmpBLWcxWHM
  3. MrDharmarajan

    Fatal Error occur on runtime

    In ACAD2014, a custom application generating lines and text entity was unable to execute immediately after saveAs the DWG(It raises a fatal error). But the same application was able execute when re-open the same DWG. How to solve this?
  4. Tad_Thurston

    Middle mouse button problems

    When going from ACAD Civil 3d 2011 to Civil 3d 2013, my mouse middle button (scroll button) stopped working correctly. I have verified that it still works properly in the 2011 version. Before the software upgrade, rolling the middle button zoomed and if I clicked and held down the middle button and moved the mouse, that would pan. This was very efficient because you can zoom and pan all with one button. These are 2 things a drafter must continually do while drawing. Now, after the upgrade, I get a menu if I click the middle button. Very frustrating. Why would the newer ACAD version change something like that? I verified that the CUI mouse button assignments are exactly equal between the 2 versions. The only other mouse control is the Windows mouse control and I have not changed those settings. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Hello, I use Acad and Turbocad selectively. I can't find a way to enable Acad to have object handlers to move and rotate objects. Is there a setting that I can enable to turn this feature on in Acad? I like this feature in Turbocad, but like to have in Acad. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  6. I have a database of the 50 stars closest to the Sun. I wrote a program that translates Right Ascension and Declination into X,Y,Z coordinates on the "normal" UCS view. I created all stars in 3D, distances to scale (1m = 1Ly), stars as spheres 0.1Ly radius (so they are visible !) Now, I need to draw the elliptic trajectory of a rogue "planet", starting near Lacaille8760 (6.456, 7.664, -8.076), passing near the EZAquarii, A, B & C, located at 3.557, 10.268, -2.973, to get a slingshot that will launch the planetoid towards the Sun (0,0,0). The elliptic trajectory should be a 3d "tube" a few pixels dia. Problem: How to set the screen coordinates to the plane formed by the 3 points above, so the ellipse can be drawn on a plane ? I changed the UCS to 3 points, and the screen shows the three stars on the same plane, but when drawing the ellipse, it is to the original UCS... I'll make the ACAD files available for download at http://r44.web2coders.com, "TECH" tab. Once created, the drawing is used in R14 format to be imported in 3DSMax8 to get easier views and animation. Any help welcome!
  7. First post so I apologize if I am doing this in the wrong area... my company recently purchased ACAD 2012 Structural Detailing software and although I have not spent an adequate amount of time exploring is, I was wondering if anyone knew if the package included wood design? We are a structural engineering / architectural firm and we do a lot of wood and steel design. Any information regarding "WOOD" would be greatly appreaciated. Randy
  8. Greetings, does anyone know how it is possible to find out whether the current version of acad is 32 or 64 bit?
  9. Dear acad 2011 users Does anyone know how to pre-select object to hatch? So the hatch proces will be like: pre-select desired closed polylines, etc. press "h" - Enter make modification to hatch properties if nessesary Enter - over and out. It slows down working process waiting for acad to come up with its suggestions where to hatch (where the pointer are). And worse - it's very rare that theese suggestions fit to my requests. Please help!!!
  10. stephenward

    pdf to dwg/ dxf

    i know you'll groan at the very thought of it. I have read many posts and scoured the internet. Why won't ACAD LT 2008 register the dxf's I've created in Autodesk Design Review 2010 (from pdf's) so that I can underlay them? Don't Autodesk support dxf writer anymore, i can't get the link on autodesk com to work, other links just forward me to Autodesk Design Review 2010. Is it really so hard? (Judging from the posts, I’m not alone). I'm trying to avoid the various converter programs, surely there's a way to convert pdf to dxf or dwg 'inside' autoCAD & Design Review? What do you all do? Is it LT 2008 that is prohibiting this? Any advise greatly appreciated.
  11. I have created PDF plots of some AutoCAD 2011 plans that have layers in them and this have been carried over to the PDF which is great. When I open these in Acrobat 9 Standard they look perfect and I can turn layers on and off as I Choose which is also great. When I plot the PDF's from a REAL printer (in this case ix4000) the plot generation preview and subsequent plot has missing chunks of data where another layer passes above. The items in question that are doing the "blocking" are gradient fills with transparency. Attached is a copy of what the PDF looks like in Acrobat vs. the Physical Output. WHY !!?!?
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