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Found 12 results

  1. Can anyone help me how to transfer object data from centroid table from AutoCAD Mep to Excel using Lisp. Proba.xlsx Proba.dwg
  2. Hello everyone, can anyone help me, I have a case example that is almost similar to the actual case I am experiencing now. In the 1st picture I have a shapefile of the administrative boundaries of the United States that I have entered into autocad, the shp attribute has been entered into the data object of each feature with the data object name "GADM", in the data object there are State and County fields, for the layer of each feature I use the County field reference so that each feature is currently layered with its respective county name. what I want is that as in the 2nd picture I want each feature to be grouped or made per block per category of state, is there a quick way, because I think in each feature there is a State field? Noted: The Autocad that I use is AutocadMap 2021. Pic 1 Pic 2
  3. NBCAD


    Hello, As part of a project I must assign an object data table to all elements of the drawing according to their layer. I am looking for an automated solution to assign the Objects Data tables to the elements of the drawing other than by selecting the different layers one by one. Knowing nothing in programming, I ask you to find ways to achieve this result. On the other hand, once the object data tables (Object data) assigned to the various elements I want to find a way fast enough to copy some attribute objects in the corresponding "Object Data" fields. For example copy the value of the orientation of a block (Attribute Value "Rotation") in the corresponding OD field (Attribute Value "ARE_ORIENT"), as in the attachment. I am currently doing these manipulations by hand and this is a huge waste of time. I am interested in any solution as small as it is! Thank you!!
  4. Sample.dwg Hi all, I want to write a program which will export the coordinates of vertices for selected polylines with Object Data which corresponds to each polyline. Please refer to a sample drawing attached with this thread. I am happy with this program to export coordinates ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; (Export LWPOLYLINE Vertices & Points to File) ; Copyright (C) 2000 DotSoft, All Rights Reserved ; Website: http://www.dotsoft.com ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DISCLAIMER: DotSoft Disclaims any and all liability for any damages ; arising out of the use or operation, or inability to use the software. ; FURTHERMORE, User agrees to hold DotSoft harmless from such claims. ; DotSoft makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the ; fitness of this product for a particular purpose. All materials are ; to be considered ‘as-is’, and use of this software should be ; considered as AT YOUR OWN RISK. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;Revised 8/23/07 CAB to report coordinates in current UCS (defun c:ptexport () (setq sset (ssget '((-4 . "<OR")(0 . "POINT") (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")(-4 . "OR>")))) (if sset (progn (setq itm 0 num (sslength sset)) (setq fn (getfiled "Point Export File" "" "txt" 1)) (if (/= fn nil) (progn (setq fh (open fn "w")) (while (< itm num) (setq hnd (ssname sset itm)) (setq ent (entget hnd)) (setq obj (cdr (assoc 0 ent))) (cond ((= obj "POINT") (setq pnt (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq pnt (trans pnt 0 1));;**CAB (princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 "," (rtos (cadr pnt) 2 "," (rtos (caddr pnt) 2 ) fh) (princ "\n" fh) ) ((= obj "LWPOLYLINE") (if (= (cdr (assoc 38 ent)) nil) (setq elv 0.0) (setq elv (cdr (assoc 38 ent))) ) (foreach rec ent (if (= (car rec) 10) (progn (setq pnt (cdr rec)) (setq pnt (trans pnt 0 1));;**CAB (princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 "," (rtos (cadr pnt) 2 "," (rtos elv 2 ) fh) (princ "\n" fh) ) ) ) ) (t nil) ) (setq itm (1+ itm)) ) (close fh) ) ) ) ) (princ) ) (princ "\nPoint Export loaded, type PTEXPORT to run.") (princ) Now I want to add Object data such as: 1. For polylines on 'LVCable' layer - CSAMetric, Conductor, FeederNo, NoOfCores 2. For polylines on other layers - CSABlue, CSANeutral, CSARed, CSAYellow, FeederNo Thank you Best wishes, Jes G Sample.dwg
  5. Hi all, I'm trying write a LISP routine which will accomplish the following: 1. Select the block reference on the drawing 2. Find the closest polyline and closest point on that polyline from this block reference 3. Create vertex on that point and save the coordinates of this point into a variable for further use 4. Extract Object Data such as SerialNo (please refer to the screenshot attached) from that block reference 5. Loop for each block reference 6. Export the point's coordinates saved earlier and its corresponding SerialNo into txt or csv which will look like: X_coord, Y_coord, SerialNo E.g. 85.4535, 18.7903, 09I4E5Q2104022719 or 85.4535, 18.7903, 09I4E5Q2104022311, 09I4E5Q2104022719 (if it has more than one block reference) The output file is interpreted as the electric line having the load on that particular point. Here's what I have found/borrowed so far which can be of help: For creating vertex program provided by DEVITG at this thread ;; Design by Gabo CALOS DE VIT from CORDOBA ARGENTINA ;;; Copyleft 1995-2018 by Gabriel Calos De Vit ;; DEVITG@GMAIL.COM ; Hecho por Gabo CALOS DE VIT de CORDOBA ARGENTINA ;;; Copyleft 1995-2018 por Gabriel Calos De Vit ;; DEVITG@GMAIL.COM ; no error check. ;; no nothing (vl-load-com) (DEFUN C:EXAMPLE_ADDVERTEX ( / ACADOBJ BLK-REF-XYZ BLK-REFERENCE DOC LSTPOINT MODELSPACE NEWVERTEX PARAM-AT-CLOSEST-POINT PLINE PLINE-OBJ POINT-AT-PARAM VERTEX-POINT ) (SETQ ACADOBJ (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT)) (SETQ DOC (VLA-GET-ACTIVEDOCUMENT ACADOBJ)) (SETQ MODELSPACE (VLA-GET-MODELSPACE DOC)) (SETQ PLINE (ENTSEL "\nSelect Polyline: ")) (SETQ PLINE-OBJ (VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT (CAR PLINE))) (SETQ BLK-REFERENCE (CAR (ENTSEL "\Select the block-reference"))) (SETQ BLK-REF-XYZ (CDR (ASSOC 10 (ENTGET BLK-REFERENCE)))) ;;; (VL-CMDF "POINT" BLK-REF-XYZ "") (SETQ LSTPOINT (VLAX-CURVE-GETCLOSESTPOINTTO PLINE-OBJ BLK-REF-XYZ)) (SETQ PARAM-AT-CLOSEST-POINT (VLAX-CURVE-GETPARAMATPOINT PLINE-OBJ LSTPOINT)) (SETQ POINT-AT-PARAM (VLAX-CURVE-GETPOINTATPARAM PLINE-OBJ PARAM-AT-CLOSEST-POINT)) (SETQ VERTEX-POINT (LIST (CAR POINT-AT-PARAM) (CADR POINT-AT-PARAM))) ;;; (VL-CMDF "POINT" VERTEX-POINT "") (SETQ NEWVERTEX (VLAX-MAKE-SAFEARRAY VLAX-VBDOUBLE '(0 . 1))) (VLAX-SAFEARRAY-FILL NEWVERTEX VERTEX-POINT) (VLA-ADDVERTEX PLINE-OBJ (1+ (FIX PARAM-AT-CLOSEST-POINT)) NEWVERTEX) (VLA-UPDATE PLINE-OBJ) ) It works good but now it needs to be modified to work in a loop For extracting Object Data the answer provided by BlackBox at this thread might be helpful The Sample Drawing is attached I would appreciate your help Thank you Regards, Jes G Sample_Drawing.dwg
  6. Hello, I want to be able to Explode (or BURST) the Block. And for the Block Attribute 'CAB_ID' to copy through to the Object Data Field 'CAB_ID' on the Polyline. I used a program called POWER MAP, which was alright but still long winded, and a program called GeoTools, which is very powerful, but not quite what is needed. Im sure this would be relatively simple for a Pro user. Any help much appreciated. BLOCK ATTRIBUTE TO POLYLINE OBJECT DATA.dwg
  7. Hi everybody Does anyone have experience in read and write object data to SQL Server? Is the data transfer rate and regeneration drawings is good? I heard that with FDO in Autodesk map it can be done. Data is written in the Geodatabase format. Is FDO can be used in AutoCAD? Is there a similar Geodatabase format in AutoCAD? thanks,
  8. subodh_gis

    Edit Object Data

    I am using autocadmap 2004 and i have closed polylines parcels in my drawing. Inside the parcel i have centroid and Parcel ID as text in separate layers. I have a object data table too. now i need to attach the object data table to all the centroids and put the parcel id as a value in the KID field of the table for all the parcels centroids respectively. Thanks Subodh
  9. Alaskachick

    Object Data Table Fields

    I am building a Object Data Tables and want to limit the input options into the fields. Specifically, I am looking for any way to limit human error/creativity while inserting values in ODT fields. For example: The ODT has a field titled Color. I want to limit the input options to blue, red or green for that field. Not yellow or purple or any other word. Ideally, I would like a pull-down menu, with the 3 color options, for the field value when I attach the OD to an object. Can pull down menus be used in the field value blank? Any ideas?
  10. frenkas

    Acad Map 3d - Object data - tables

    Hi, I have some drawings, where i see tables object data tables. After clicking map->object data->define object data I see several tables created with interesting fields, which may contain useful information. However as I am not familiar with Acad map I can't view this data. Can anybody tell me how can I view this table data or at least give me a clue so I can begin digging in the right path.
  11. hello, i have a drawing on the original file it was created on but the architect who originally made the drawing cut the geometry into thousands of pieces i guess as protection, i know there is something you could do to cut the drawing into thousands of peices but i dont know how.he no longer works for the company but they need to now edit those floorplans, i dont know how to undo that, is there even a way to?
  12. Hello! I'm trying to create a range query that returns the value of certain object data. For example, if the criteria is met, I would like the return value to be the value of CIRCUIT@CIRCUIT for any and all objects in the drawing. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! Oh, and I forgot to mention: this is all being done in VBA. I've thought about trying to extract the object data into a variable and possibly manipulating it that way, but I'm not sure how to extract the object data like that.
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