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Found 9 results

  1. My co-worker got on his computer today and his iLogic check box was not in the list in the User Interface tab. Couldn't figure out where it went or how one would even go about doing so. In his ribbon commands there does not appear to be any iLogic related icons. Is it possible to accidentally uninstall or disable iLogic? I read a bunch about dual monitors and it hiding but doesn't sound like that applies here, but it isn't in the list and not sure why. My computer is doing great but he can't fill out any of our iLogic forms and is freaking out. Thanks!
  2. Hi All, I have created a menu file that contains a ribbon tab. I can load the menu and make sure the pull down and toolbars are visible, but I can't find a way using LISP to make the new ribbon tab visible. I know that I can go to the CUI manager, edit the workspace, tick the ribbon tab and save the workspace, but I need to do all this via lisp on startup. Any and all help greatly appreciated. Colin Holloway
  3. Hi, I create lots of layout tabs with long (ish) names. To save scrolling through the tabs using the arrow buttons to select the one I want, is there a way to generate an index tab so all tabs are listed on it and can be selected from that "index" Tab/list? Thanks,
  4. I have 10 separate drawing files that I want to combine into one drawing and I want each drawing to be on a separate layout. I want to end up with one drawing with 10 layout tabs each containing the graphics from one drawing. Each drawing has one layout with the graphics on it. No fancy paper space / model space stuff. No viewport scaling. I thought this could be done via Design Center but I've never used that. I'm looking for input on the quickest way to achieve this. I may have to do this over and over. Please advise (and instruct) Thanks..
  5. Hello Again I found this script that i wanna change because it does not work well when layouts are not "Layout 1", "Layout 2" , etc even for example if i already have the layouts numbered but have to create another one or simply re-arrange them (alert "Use at command line to execute program:\n\n numlay") (defun c:numlay (/ i) (vl-load-com) (setq i 0) (foreach x (layoutlist) (vla-put-name (vla-item (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) x ) (strcat (itoa (setq i (1+ i)))) ) ) (princ) ) I wanna it to : 1) Auto-number Layout using the sequence in which they really are 2) That autonumbering prefix an 0 before the number if it is this last topic i tryied using this code without sucess .... (cond ((and (> i 0) (< i 10)) (strcat "0" (itoa i)) ) thx in advanced
  6. Is it at all possible to swtich between layout tabs by a command? I'm messing around with a .bat file that creates a script for printing that only prints layout1. The CAD file I'm trying to print has multiple tabs and all tabs have a different name, Lot 02, Lot 03, Lot 04 (not the standard layout1, layout2, etc).
  7. Hi there. I'm a long time reader, but only just signed up because I couldn't find my particular problem anywere else. Just to warn you, it may get a little complicated... When I type the word TYPE:, then use the tab button, then Enter, AutoCAD automatically writes TYPF:, then every time I tab along, it continually puts the letter A: after. This more annoying than a real problem, as the job I'm working on currently requires me to go through this hassle with over 100 drawings! If anyone knows what this little glitch is, or how to stop it, I will be very grateful Thanks
  8. Does any way exist to find out all settings in Files Tab of Options via AutoLISP, then change them to desired values?
  9. Hello everybody, I'm working on a drawing that has around the 150 layout-tabs. So switching between a specific Layout-tab and the Model-tab and back is very iritating. You need to scroll everytime through all the Layout-tabs to find the right one. So is there a simple and fast way to switch again and again? I'm using autocad 2009 LT Already thanks for a answer.
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