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  1. I am considering a transition from infrastructure and building structural detailing. What would most consider to be must have skills in O&G CAD work? Any additional info is more than welcome. TIA
  2. LEGEND.LSP Hi anyone can modify the code so it can create legends for both and linetypes with their layer name in description. It's a lee mac's program which creating legend in model space. If by touching the viewport it can make legend at layout whatever showing in the viewport it will be a great help.
  3. Hi all, does anyone know how it is possible to be a tester of beta (and alpha) versions of AutoCAD and Revit and other Autodesk products? I appreciate any help!
  4. rkmcswain

    proteinrun folder

    I'm not sure if this is limited to Civil 3D, or whether it applies to AutoCAD also. I'm starting to find that inside of user's %temp% folder, is a subfolder named "proteinrun", and inside this folder are tons of other folders, and inside each one of those, are more files and folders. On the few that I'm run across, there are thousands of files/folders sitting here, anywhere from 6-8 GB in total size. Ultimately, the files, when you finally drill your way to them, are .PNG files. I traced it back to Autodesk because of this KB article - which says it's related to Inventor, and that these files are deleted once Inventor closes. We are not using Inventor, and the files are not being deleted. I suppose it's possible that the files are not being deleted due to application crashing, but I was wondering if anyone else has run across this bloat?
  5. Which would you recommend for modelling guns from 2D reference images?
  6. Damon :)

    Student - Drawings

    I am a student studying with AutoCAD 2013, anyone got any drawings for me to draw/practice with?
  7. DJRandall


    My friend is wanting to know the answers to these questions? 1a What is the advantage of creating a Block for use in an AutoCAD drawing? 1b Why is it recommended to draw Blocks on Layer 0? 2a What is the difference between a Block and a WBlock? 2b What is the advantage of being able tocreate and use WBlocks in AutoCADdrawings? 3a Why would there be a need to convert aninserted Block back into itsconstituent parts? 3b Describe the process of removing anunwanted Block from an AutoCADdrawing 4a What is the advantage of adding Attributes to a Block? 4b Why is important to “define” the Attributes to added to a Block before the Block is created? 5a What is the advantage of attaching anexternal drawing (XRef) for use in the current drawing? 5b What is the principle difference betweenattaching an XRef to an AutoCAD drawing and inserting a Block into an AutoCADdrawing? 5c Why is it important to ensure that an XRefdrawing is located in the same folder as the drawing that references it?
  8. Hi All, I need to integrate dwf files in my web page, please suggest me the Autodesk software(it can be paid software also). There is one more requirement it should fulfill, suppose i want to search for a room in building which has some number or name , i want it be searched in the drawing directly using a query string from the aspx page. Please suggest me if it is possible , if it is please guide me on this. Thanks Ritchie
  9. Hello, I downloaded student version of "Autodesk 3DS MAX 2013". I would like to install the Apex/PhysX plug-in but I can't. When I try to run the Apex plug-in, Autodesk write "Apex plug-in is not made for this version of the program". So, I would like to know if Apex/PhyX is available for student version of Autodesk and which manipulations have I to do. Bye, Samuel.
  10. Pyro

    Autodesk Software Marketing

    I have been using autodesk architecture for some years now and recently have been hearing and seeing a lot about revit architecture. what intrigues me is why does autodesk promote revit above autocad or why the shift from cad base to revit? would appreciate some sort of feed, thanks for any clarification.
  11. Hi Students, Welcome to Simple CAD. We offer free remote installation on most of our products. Call us today at 877-933-3929 for more. We are experts dedicated to bringing you some of the best CAD solutions available today - in fact we guarantee it ... For More Details VISIT
  12. Hello everyone, I'm new here! I wanted to ask if anyone is as excited as about the new public beta of Inventor Fusion being released sometime this month!? According to their Facebook page, it seems really interesting. Thoughts?
  13. Last week I downloaded Revit Architecture 2012 from the Autodesk webpage into my computer. The file I downloaded is a 32/64 bit .rar. I started to run the installer and an error (Error 1722) appeared. After some research and investigation in the web I founded out that I can't run the 64bit version in my Notebook because it requires an i5 2300 quad-core and my computer has an i5 2430 dual core. Moreover I have 4GB in my RAM memory and the program requires 8GB. So, when I tried to install once more the Revit 2012, the installer tells me I have installed the Revit but not the Desgin Review and the Material Library. When I tried to run the Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012 it won't work and when I tried to uninstall the file from my control panel I just couldn't. I followed the steps in this link: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=16828836&linkID=9243099 but the problem is I can do everything except the uninstall. Anyway, I wanted to know if it is possible to run just the 32bit version installer and therefore be able to use Revit Architecture 2012. Does anyone know how to do that? And on the other hand, does anyone know how can I uninstall the 64bits version I have in my Pc? I hope I could make myself clear.
  14. Good Day Looking for any help or links to the AutoDesk Navisworks Developer Guide If anyone has any general knowlege on this and would like to share would much appreciate. Thanking You in Advance CaveMan
  15. asdfghjkl

    JPEGs in Revit? please help...

    I need to take a jpeg and make it usable in revit. is there some way to convert the file? my understanding is that my boss has jpegs of fabrics that she wants to put into a revit file? any suggestions?
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