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  1. Is there any possible way to do that? I had a .dwg with a layer with contours and i deleted it (my fault) .. I have this layer in another .dwg . Is there any way to transfer it in the other drawing file? Thanks in advance!
  2. We have changed the color, line weight and description of specific layers. We used to use Layer state to update the layers, now we use the design center. Changes made in Example 1. Example 2 has the wrong layers - so Design center is open, layers from Example 1 are dragged and dropped into Example 2. Layers still wrong. Example1.dwg This is the Example 1.
  3. Hi all I have just updated to AutoCAD 2014 and have started getting an error with the layer state manager. When restoring some layer states it returns the error "The selected layer state could not be restored", with no further explanation. I can restore the same layer state in 2013. has anyone had this same error ?? Any ideas on the fix. Cheers All. Draftsmansam
  4. I have a number of layout tabs with varying layer controls applied in multiple viewports. This layout may be made up of a number of xrefs. I end up with a lot of layers in the host drawing from the xrefs, and even after I purge the xrefs to eliminate some of the xrefs, the layers remain in the host drawing, even though they no longer exist. Is there any way to update the xref definitions to get rid of the layers without losing the layer setups I have? VISRETAIN is set to 1, and if I reset it to 0, I will lose all of the viewport controls I have put in place. Thanks for any help.
  5. Hi all, Query regarding layer control with blocks and stuff. Traditionally to represent a computer on a drawing we would place two blocks, one would be the computer symbol itself, and one would be a unique reference (that we could attribute extract) directly above it. These two blocks, the symbol and the reference, would go onto their own two individual layers in the final drawing so that we could control the visibility and the colour of both the symbols and the references individually. The layers, for example, would be called: Computer Symbols Computer References Both of these blocks would be drawn in BEDIT on Layer 0, such that they take the properties of the layer that they are eventually inserted on. I'm looking to combine the two blocks into one, but would still like the individual layer control. Is there a way I can combine the two blocks while still maintaining this individual layer control? I'm thinking that I'd have to draw the symbols and references on the above layers as opposed to Layer 0 in BEDIT, and then my 'new block' will probably have to go on a new 'total' layer like: Computers Computer Symbols Computer References So then I'd insert my 'symbols+references' block onto the 'Computers' layer. I don't really like this idea too much because it seems like I'm overcomplicating things (highly likely!). I guess what I'm really after is a 'symbol+references' block that moves as a group, but I can control in my traditional two layer approach. Maybe this is the only way. Any thoughts? TIA!
  6. I'm trying to find a lisp to change layer linetypes and colours if they contain certain text in their layer name. e.g if I have a layer called "contour 1234" among others, can a lisp change the colour and linetype of layers starting with contour ? and does anyone know where I can find a lisp for this?
  7. Hi everyone, I'm making quantity tables from entities in a drawing and I need to add "flagging system" which will alert the user when any kind of modification has been made in a specific layer (I'm talking about the content of the layer = entities, not layer definitions like color and so). I've already looked for many solutions, but it seems that the way to go is to add a reactor to a layer (or to each layer ???) I just started AutoLisp and I'm not feeling ready to dive into reactors w/o being crushed Theoretically I need something like ("myreactor" "catchanychangetocontent" "LayerName") -> return T if there's been a change (like a new entity etc etc) I really need help on this one, Tks !
  8. Hi all, I have 4500 OS mapping tiles which i need to convert the colours to one single colour rather than the varied layer colours they have at present. Obvioulsy doing this manually will take a long time. Is there a quicker way of doing this? Many thanks for your help. K
  9. Just seeing if someone knows how to change the DTEXT command to be typed on a specified layer. I have poked around and came across some macros editing but this did not do the trick. Super thanks in advance! [&DText]^C^C-layer;s;TEXT;;dtext;
  10. I am quite busy, of course, like everyone, I have loads of work needing to get done so I thought I would make this quick post. Hopefully someone with the available time can help out! I basically need a simple routine to change colors from our old standards to our new standards. I am sure it is most likely the simplest routine but if someone could post one and save me a little bit of time I would appreciate it. An example would be layer: TEXT, which with our old standards for 30+ years has been the 'GREEN', we have now changed that and are using color '104' which is more of a turtle green, anyways thats what the boss wants so that's what the boss gets. Currently when we open a drawing that was drawn, say, 10 years ago, it has all of our old layers and their respective old colors. I just need a lisp that would run every time we open a drawing for editing or revisions that would automatically search for the layers and change their properties (colors)..
  11. I'm working with AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and working in the xref. I have my layer states set up, no problem. However, I have a layer that still shows up in all states even tho it is not saved in the layer states. If i click on it, it shows as off. It is a block, I have it on the ByLayer and the correct layer. I cannot figure this out.. thanks in advance.
  12. Dear all, my google-fu has failed me. I have a dozen of drawings each with a layer named LOGIC. I have modified layer properties (default color, line style, etc.) on one of them and I want to replicate these properties to the others. Question is: how?
  13. Hi guys, I'm new here and in programming also. I need to create a programm which should check a drawing. The check means, that we have 3 different layers: contour, axes and section. As you know all of them must have different lines thickness. So, let's imagine that thickness should be: 0,5mm 1mm ant 2mm. Is it possible to create such a program, which, when user selects any line or selects any layer in the drawing, my programm checks this solution and changes automatically thickness of the layer lines? If yes, how can I do it? any suggestions?
  14. Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a code that will 1) set the current plot style to "BCR Plot Style.stb" 2) change all layer properties to plot style "Grayscale" I had this working at one point, but can't get it to work when I reopen, so it may just be a problem with how I'm loading the routine. I've added it to LISP files under CUI and to my APPLOAD startup suite. (defun c:grayscale () (vl-load-com) (vla-put-StyleSheet (vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) "BCR Plot Style.stb" ) (setq layers (vla-get-layers (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ) (vlax-for l layers (progn (vla-put-plotstylename l "Grayscale") ) ) ) Help is greatly appreciated!
  15. Hello, I am hoping that someone can help me with creating a lisp routine that will search an open drawing for a specific layer, and if that layer doesn't exist within the drawing, then the lisp routine will create it (specifying a color, linetype, etc). Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hello Lispers I do a lot of 3D modeling with AutoCAD and so far I been using solprof to convert my models from 3D to 2D drawings creating plans & elevations What solprof does is creating 2 separate layers and separates solid lines from the hidden lines (which is great) however, it loses the original layers that was used for each solid. My question; Is it possible to keep the original layers after a 3D is converted to a 2D drawin? We spend a lot of time assigning back the layers to the 2D shapes again. btw, we are using AutoCAD 2010 Any help is much appreciated
  17. Hi all, I want to activate a desired layer filter when beginning a new dwg or openning an existing dwg file, but calling +LAYER or -LAYER (and Filter->Set options of it) has no effects or causes Fatal Error. Who knows any alternative to set an existing layer filter as active? Note: 1- The code which causes Fatal Error is as following: (command "_.+LAYER" %filter-name% "" "") 2- This code has no effect: (command "_.-LAYER" "_Filter" "_Set" %filter-name% "") Any help or clue is greatly appreciated
  18. Hi, Need help with this routine, it offsets to a selected layer however I need to add coding to erase the orginal object that it was offset from. The coding is as listed below: [/b] ;; OL.lsp ;; Offset-to-Layer = Offset an entity a specified distance, and Change the new entity to a specified Layer. ;; At first use, offers current Offset Distance and current Layer as defaults; ;; subsequently, offers this routine's previously-used Offset-to-Layer Distance (even if ordinary Offset ;; distance has been changed) and Layer-to-change-to as defaults. ;; by Kent Cooper, August 2008 (defun C:OL (/ offlaytemp offent) (initget 134) (setq offlaydist (cond ( (getdist (strcat "\nOffset-to-Layer distance or [Through] <" (cond ((numberp offlaydist) (rtos offlaydist)) ((= (getvar 'offsetdist) -1) "Through") ((rtos (getvar 'offsetdist))) ); end cond ">: " ); end strcat ); end getdist ); end first cond test (T (if (not offlaydist) (getvar 'offsetdist) offlaydist)) ); end cond offlaytemp (getstring (strcat "\nLayer to Offset to <" (if offlay offlay (getvar 'clayer)) ">: " ); end strcat ); end getstring offlay (cond ((/= offlaytemp "") offlaytemp) (offlay) (T (getvar 'clayer)) ); end cond ); end setq (while (not (while (not (and (setq offent (ssget ":S" '((0 . "LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,LWPOLYLINE,SPLINE,XLINE,RAY")))) (= (cdr (assoc 70 (tblsearch "layer" (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname offent 0))))))) 0); 0 for Unlocked, 4 for Locked ); end and ); end not (prompt "\nSelected Entity cannot be Offset, or is on a Locked Layer; try again: ") ); end while ); end not (command "_.undo" "_be") (command ".offset" offlaydist offent pause "" ".chprop" "l" "" "la" offlay "" ); end command (command "_.undo" "_e") ); end while ); end defun (princ "\nType OL to Offset to Layer.") (princ) [b] Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Hi all, who knows a way to set current layer filter to built-in filters like: 'All' or 'All Used Layers', of course not manually but via vlisp. Thanks in advance
  20. Hey All, Is there away to filter a layer list so it doesn't show all the layers in a list box. I want to see only the "Xref-*" layers. I do need the wild card because after the hypen the names vary. Also feel free to offer other suggestions or ways to attached code.Thanks test.dcl test.lsp
  21. Hello helpful people. I'm having a problem I haven't encountered before. Every line I draw, no matter what layer I make current is showing up as a thick red line. It doesn't matter if the layer that is current is green or what the lineweight is. I bound an xref to my drawing; I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. For now I just use match properties after I draw my lines to get them on the layer I want.
  22. Hi all, is there a way to define a property filter for lyers to exclude some patterns? (Assume you want to hide layers starting with "3D ", which the matching pattern in wcmatch function is "~3D *"...) Any help is appreciated.
  23. We are in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. When we try to change something in a layers we created and it is telling us the layer is read only. The other day I shut the program down and reopened it and it started working. Today the same thing happened. What has caused this one layer to be read only? More importantly how do I fix it?
  24. I think this question has answered befoe but I couldn't find. Sorry for duplication. I have a one drawing in MS with 5 layers. I have 2 viewports in one layer tab from that drawing with different scales. I want to turnoff 2 layers in one of the VP but have them turned on on the other VP. Is it possible? How?
  25. I'm using autocad 2010. I have a few objects on a layer that refuse to move off it onto another layer. If I select the objects, the little box that pops up does confirm they're on the desired layer, but a little 'on and off' with the layer on/off function disconfirms this. The only thing that distinguishes them from other things in the drawing is that they appear to be blocks rather than lines. I've been trying to do this for a couple of hours now so it's not something totally obvious like a layer being locked etc. Any help would spare further hair pulling!
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