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  1. I just discovered that I can put a line in my lispfile like this: [Some notes]. When I load the lispfile the line is ignored. In other words it acts like comment. Comes in handy because I can use another type of comment, But . . . . . . Do I rely on a rule here or will I get into trouble later when using the code? Thanks in advance, André
  2. Alan_KD

    XREF layer

    Hello everyone, I have been developing some routines for the pas 6 months, so my knowledge is not very high. Normally I manage to find answers online, thanks to all of you who share their knowledge, it's so helpful. I am writing a routine which would: Compare the XREF name on the drawing and the XREF 'real' file name and match them (on the drawing) if different. After the code checks if the XREF name matches a specific formatting and if it does creates a layer based on it (if the layer does not already exist). The final step is to change the XREF layer to that one, and here is where I am getting an error. I tried with different ways to do this and always got an error. I guess I could try to get this done without using vl code but this is really puzzling me and I would like to know why is actually not working, I dont see where the code could have gone wrong. The example names of my XREFs: which are used to compare with the wcmatch "*_*_*_*" XREF_TGLMTE_PRO_INTER_BASSINS_01 XREF_TGLMTE_PRO_INTER_RESEAUX_HS_2025_01 XREF_TGLMTE_PRO_TRC_V5_IND_D I used different lines of code to try to achieve this, as you can see on my commented lines on the code. I am currently using a (vlax-put-property it2 'layer strcalq) inside a vlax-for getting the following error: (defun c:xrcalque (/ AcadObj AcadAct LyAct it2 xrobjectname strcalq) (vl-load-com) (setq *error* ABD:Error) (setq AcadObj (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) (setq AcadAct (vla-get-ActiveDocument AcadObj)) (setq LyAct (vla-get-layers AcadAct)) ;get layers from Active document (xrn AcadObj AcadAct); runs the subroutine to change XREF name on drawing to match XREF file name (vlax-for it2 (vla-get-blocks AcadAct) (setq ind1 3) (setq ind2 0) (setq ind3 0) (if (= (vla-get-isxref it2) :vlax-true) (progn (setq xrobjectname (vl-filename-base (vla-get-name it2))) (if (wcmatch xrobjectname "*_*_*_*"); (progn (repeat ind1 (setq ind3 (+ ind2 1)) (setq ind2 (vl-string-position (ascii "_") xrobjectname ind3));gets firs position of "_" character ) (print xrobjectname) (setq ind2 (+ ind2 2)) (print ind2) ; ind2 is the position of the ind1 "_" element (3rd) to count from there to have the layer name (setq ind4 (vl-string-position (ascii "_") xrobjectname nil T)); last "_" position (setq ind5 (vl-string-position (ascii "-") xrobjectname nil T)); last "-" position (if (> ind4 ind5)(setq indlst ind4)(setq indlst ind5)) ;check which one is bigger (setq indlst (+ 1 indlst)) (setq strcalq (strcat "SF-XREF_"(substr xrobjectname ind2 (- indlst ind2)))) ;Create layer with string from ind2 position to ind4 or ind5 position (strcalq) (print strcalq) (if (not (tblsearch "LAYER" strcalq));checks non existance of layer (progn (vla-add LyAct strcalq) (print "Layer has been created") ) (progn ;(vla-put-layer it2 "0") ; (print "this is a test4") (print "layer exists") ;if layer exists put object on layer ) );if (print strcalq) ;(vla-put-layer it2 "0") ;(vla-put-layer xrobjectname strcalq) ;(vla-put-layer (vla-get-name it2) strcalq) ;(vlax-put it2 'Layer "0") ;(vlax-put (vlax-ename->vla-object (vla-get-name it2)) 'Layer "0") (vlax-put-property it2 'layer strcalq);############ ERROR############### );progn (print "wcmatch xref name not matching") );if );progn );if ;(vlax-put (vlax-ename->vla-object xrtemp) 'Layer strcalq) );vlax for (print "highly recommended to purge layers") ;add code to purge automatically the layers? (princ) );defun ;;;======================================= Error function ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;;; (defun ABD:Error (st) (if (not (member st (list "Fonction annulée" "quitter / sortir abandon"))) (vl-bt) );if ;(princ "Merci d'envoyer vos commentaires ou report d'erreurs à ") (princ);clean exit ? );defun error ;;;======================================= function xrn +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;;; (defun xrn (AcadObj AcadAct / item xrobjectnamexrn xrfilenamexrn) (vlax-for item (vla-get-blocks AcadAct) (if (= (vla-get-isxref item) :vlax-true) (progn (setq xrobjectnamexrn (vl-filename-base (vla-get-name item))) (setq xrfilenamexrn (vl-filename-base (vla-get-path item))) (if (/= xrobjectnamexrn xrfilenamexrn) (progn (vla-put-name item xrfilenamexrn) (vla-reload item) ) ) ) ) ) );defun xrn If someone could explain why this is not working, and please share a way to achieve my goal would be awesome! Thank you in advance, Alan
  3. Many a times it requires to show the same block with different angle and scale. Rotating each block to a required angle, and scaling it as required will take a lot of time so can we Insert Block in-between two Points in the angle and scale of points selection using Autolisp . I am using AutoCAD 2004. Thank You !
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This AutoLISP file can be used to flatten a 3D drawing. It does this by setting all Z values in the drawing to zero. Instructions on how to load and run this file in AutoCAD are given in this thread.
  5. Hei, Can enyone make autolisp to annotate 3d point z value! Best, MRe
  6. Arek Adamczuk

    AutoCAD - autolisp-HELP

    Hello. I am a student and I need your help. My task is to write a program in AutoLISP that draws parts but I have no idea how to do it. The program in the simplest version which is only possible - I know that for some of you it's a bit of a job, so if it was possible, I would ask for help. I will try to repay somehow . Greetings. Sorry for my English.
  7. FYI: Steve Johnson has an article about this new lisp function called (inspector), in BLADE, for inspecting objects.
  8. I am creating an excel worksheet from autolisp to populate with all of my fuse information from autocad electrical 2011. Everything works fine except that I cannot figure out how to change the width of the columns in the excel spreadsheet from autolisp. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. This is what I have on the spreadsheet: (setq xl (vlax-create-object "excel.application")) (setq wb-collection (vlax-get xl "workbooks")) (setq workbook (vlax-invoke-method wb-collection "add")) (setq sheets (vlax-get workbook "sheets")) (setq sheet1 (vlax-get-property sheets "item" 1)) (setq mywb(vlax-get-property xl "ActiveWorkbook")) (setq *excel-cells* (vlax-get sheet1 "cells")) (vlax-put xl "visible" 1) ;;****************insert header info into spreadsheet********************** (setq fuse_cell (strcat "A" (itoa in))) (setq cat_cell (strcat "B" (itoa in))) (setq mfg_cell (strcat "C" (itoa in))) (setq rating1_cell (strcat "D" (itoa in))) (setq class_cell (strcat "E" (itoa in))) (setq a (vlax-get-property xl 'Range fuse_cell)) (setq b (vlax-get-property xl 'Range cat_cell)) (setq c (vlax-get-property xl 'Range mfg_Cell)) (setq d (vlax-get-property xl 'Range rating1_cell)) (setq e (vlax-get-property xl 'Range class_cell)) (vlax-put-property a 'Value2 "FUSE") (vlax-put-property b 'Value2 "PART NUMBER") (vlax-put-property c 'Value2 "MANUFACTURER") (vlax-put-property d 'Value2 "RATING") (vlax-put-property E 'Value2 "CLASS") (setq in 2); sets row in spreadsheet ;*****************************populate excel sheet**************************************** (repeat (length fuse_name) (setq fuse_cell (strcat "A" (itoa in))) (setq cat_cell (strcat "B" (itoa in))) (setq mfg_cell (strcat "C" (itoa in))) (setq rating1_cell (strcat "D" (itoa in))) (setq class_cell (strcat "E" (itoa in))) (setq a (vlax-get-property xl 'Range fuse_cell)) (setq b (vlax-get-property xl 'Range cat_cell)) (setq c (vlax-get-property xl 'Range mfg_Cell)) (setq d (vlax-get-property xl 'Range rating1_cell)) (setq e (vlax-get-property xl 'Range class_cell)) (vlax-put-property a 'Value2 (nth in_lst fuse_name)) (vlax-put-property b 'Value2 (nth in_lst fuse_Cat)) (vlax-put-property c 'Value2 (nth in_lst fuse_mfg)) (vlax-put-property d 'Value2 (nth in_lst fuse_rating1)) (vlax-put-property e 'Value2 (nth in_lst fuse_class)) (setq in_lst (1+ in_lst))(princ) (setq in (1+ in))(princ) )
  9. I need to know how to save a new excel workbook to a location of my choosing. I want to be able to open a new workbook, add data, and then save it in a folder in my project folder. I can do everything but save it to the new location. This is what I have so far. (vl-load-com) (setq FilePath "T:\\reference material\\fuse_list_template.xls") (setq ExcelApp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application")) (vla-put-visible ExcelApp :vlax-true) (vlax-put-property ExcelApp "DisplayAlerts" :vlax-false) (setq Wbk (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-open (list (vlax-get-property ExcelApp "WorkBooks") FilePath))) From here I am adding data from autocad electrical 2011 which works fine. My problem is I want to save this to a location that is not the same as the original filepath. I cannot find the code to do a "save as" to the excel workbook. Any help would be appreciated. It should not be this complicated. Thanks.
  10. Hi all: I like using Lisps, but don't know how to write code for them. I like this particular lisp created by Mosad Elewa and posted on Cadalyst.com. When trying the lisp on a polyline, it did not work. Seems to only work on a "line". Here's the code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;CADALYST 02/07 Tip 2180: DIV.LSP Modify Divide © 2007 Mosad Elewa ;DIV.LSP BY MOSAD H. ELEWA (1996) (defun C:DIV () (setq ent (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect object to divide")))) (setq etype (cdr (assoc 0 ent))) (if (eq etype "LINE") (progn (cond ( (setq m (getint "\nNumber of segments")) (setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq pt2 (cdr (assoc 11 ent))) (setq ang (angle pt1 pt2)) (setq dist (distance pt1 pt2)) (setq dd (/ dist m)) (setq pt3 (polar pt1 ang dd)) (setq ang2 (+ ang 1.5708)) (setq pt4 (polar pt3 ang2 (/ dd 4))) (setq ds (distance pt1 pt3)) (command "line" pt3 pt4 "") (setq pt5 (polar pt3 ang2 (/ dd )) (command "move" "l" "" pt4 pt5) (setq d 0) ; (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command "copy" "l" "" "m" pt1) (repeat (- m 2) (command (polar pt1 ang (setq d (+ d ds))))) (command ""))) )) (if (eq etype "ARC") (progn (setq n (getint "\Number of segments")) (setq ang (cdr (assoc 50 ent))) (setq ang2 (cdr (assoc 51 ent))) (setq ang3 (- ang2 ang)) (setq ang4 (/ (* ang3 180.0) pi)) (setq cp (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq r (cdr (assoc 40 ent))) (setq pt1 (polar cp ang r)) (setq pt2 (polar cp ang (/ r 4))) (setq pt3 (polar cp ang (/ r )) (command "line" cp pt2 "") (command "move" "l" "" pt3 pt1) (command "array" "l" "" "p" cp (+ n 1) ang4 "y") )) (if (eq etype "CIRCLE") (progn (setq n (getint "\Number of segments")) (setq cp (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq r (cdr (assoc 40 ent))) (setq pt1 (polar cp 0 r)) (setq pt2 (polar cp 0 (/ r 4))) (setq pt3 (polar cp 0 (/ r )) (command "line" cp pt2 "") (command "move" "l" "" pt3 pt1) (command "array" "l" "" "p" cp n "360" "y") )) (princ) )[/CODE] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Hello, I have 5000 drawings that contains three specific tables. All these tables are linked to external Excel using data links. The main issue i have is, after the data link is removed the cell content of all three tables remain locked. Is there any way to unlock the cells using lisp??. I know i can do it manually but i don't want to go that route unless it is the only the way to do so. Please take a look at the drawing & lsp file. Trial.dwg Thank you very much. Regards, A AUTOCAD AUTOMATION.LSP
  12. Hi, I am running a version of autocad architecture with a plugin that adds some custom properties to AEC objects such as doors that can be viewed under the design tab of the property palette. I want to make a macro that changes these properties but I don't know how to access them via lisp. When I use the inspect window in the visual lisp viewer the custom properties don't come up and when I use the vla-dump-object function, the custom properties are not listed also. Does anyone have any idea if/how these properties are accessible? Also, can custom property fields be added via autolisp?
  13. Hello everyone, everything good. First apologies for my pessimo ingles. (defun c:Test0008 (/ p1 oFile sFile tmp Separator i ;|Functions|; GetFormatFile aux:SelectFile grdx ) ;;_________________________________________________ (defun GetFormatFile (/ lsts) (or *Format* (setq *Format* "csv")) (setq lsts '(("csv" ";" "[<Csv>/Txt/Xls]") ("txt" " " "[Csv/<Txt>/Xls]") ("xls" "\t" "[Csv/Txt/<Xls>]"))) (setq mens (last (assoc *Format* lsts))) (initget "Csv Txt Xls _csv txt xls") (if (setq tmp (getkword (strcat "\nFormat file;" mens ": "))) (setq *Format* tmp) ) (setq Separator (cadr (assoc *Format* lsts))) ) ;;_________________________________________________ (defun aux:SelectFile ( Extension / ff) (if (setq ff (getfiled "Select File" (if *TmpRutaFile* *TmpRutaFile* "") Extension 1)) (setq *TmpRutaFile* (strcat (vl-filename-directory ff) "\\")) );c.if ff );c.defun ;;_________________________________________________ ; grdx - graphic cross utility (defun grdx (p col size / h) (setq h (/ (getvar "viewsize") size)) (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h)) (list (+ (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h)) col 0) (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h)) (list (+ (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h)) col 0) p );c.defun ;;--------------------- MAIN ----------------- (or *Prec* (setq *Prec* 4)) (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick first point: ")) (while p1 (grdX p1 213 125) (setq lstFile (cons p1 lstFile)) (setq p1 (getpoint " >> Pick Next point: ")) ) (cond (lstFile (initget (+ 4)) (if (setq tmp (getint (strcat "\nPrecisión;<" (itoa *Prec*) ">: "))) (setq *Prec* tmp) ) (GetFormatFile) (setq sFile (aux:SelectFile *Format*)) (cond (sFile (setq i 1) (setq oFile (open sFile "w")) (write-line "COORDINATES OF POINTS" oFile) (write-line (strcat "#" Separator "X" Separator "Y" Separator "Z") oFile) (mapcar (function (lambda (pt) (write-line (strcat (itoa i) Separator (rtos (car pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (cadr pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (last pt) 2 *Prec*) ) oFile) (setq i (1+ i)) ) ) lstFile );c.mapcar (close oFile) (alert (strcat "File: \n\n[" sFile "]\n\nhas been created.")) ;;(startAPP (strcat "notepad.exe " sFile)) (command "shell" (strcat "start " sFile)) ) ) ) );c.cond (princ) ) (princ) I use this routine that exports coordinates, from points clicked to excel, in Csv / Txt / Xls but the exports in descending order _the last point I clicked is the first_ Can anyone reverse this? Are the points imported in the order they are clicked? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another thing, the great Lee-mac created a subroutine that would help me a lot if it were attached to the program. this link http://www.lee-mac.com/grtext.html has the subroutine, and here is the demo. (defun c:demo2 ( / *error* pnt str ) (defun *error* ( m ) (princ m) (redraw) (princ)) (while (= 5 (car (setq pnt (grread nil 13 0)))) (redraw) (setq str (mapcar 'rtos (trans (cadr pnt) 1 0))) (LM:DisplayGrText (cadr pnt) (LM:GrText (strcat "X=" (car str) "\nY=" (cadr str))) 3 15 -31) ) (redraw) (princ) ) This subroutine would work as a preview, so I know if I'm clicking the correct location. I thank the help of all you.
  14. Hi, I have several drawings with thousands of individual circles (not blocks) of same radius. All of them I am supposed to change to the equilateral triangle of base & sides length = 10mm. Is it possible to write a program to do this automatically? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi, I want a LISP routine which can insert blocks along the polyline. I have two dynamic blocks. They are 'Straight Duct' and 'Elbow90'. Consider I draw a polyline with three XY coordinates i.e. (1,1) , (1,2) and (2,2) and insert rectangular block with desired 'Width'. Here are list of things I want from LISP program: 1. I want 'Straight Duct' to be inserted at mid-points of '(1,1) & (1,2)' and '(1,2) & (2,2)'. 2. Also, those inserted blocks should be rotated with an angle made by those points with horizontal so that 'Straight Duct' remains along the line. Example, Angle made by line joining points '(1,1) & (1,2)' with horizontal is 90 Deg. Hence, Dynamic Block should be rotated by 90 degree about midpoint. 3. Move the grip of 'Straight Duct' (which facing to open end of polyline) to the open end of polyline. Move other grip of 'Straight Duct' to the length of (150+ Width/2) mm less than the intersection point. 4. Insert 'Elbow90' at the point with polar angle 45 Degree to point of intersection and polar radius (150 + Width/2) mm. Also, the grip of elbow should be moved so that width of 'Elbow90' should be as same as that of 'Straight Duct'. Pls refer the attached file for understanding the problem. Can anyone help me out? HVAC Dynamic Blocks 24.04.2018.dwg
  16. I have created Dynamic Block with grips and Attribute linked to the parameter. Now I override that attribute value to a manual value through a program and change the parameter. Now, when I move the grips of dynamic block, the attribute value linked to it doesn't change and remains as manual value. Is there any way/ program to retrieve the relation between attribute and parameter value? Pls find attached Program and Dynamic Block. You can override linked values of "WIDTH" & "LENGTH" by 'double-clicking' on block and entering manual value. Upload & Run the program with command "DChange". This will change the shape of block as per manual value. After this, when you will stretch the grips of block, it will change the shape; but, the attribute value "WIDTH" & "LENGTH" will not change. Can this linking between Attribute & Parameter revived so that attribute values will change with moving grips? Straight Duct.dwg DChange.lsp
  17. Hi everyone, I'm new to using macros/lisps in AutoCAD, though I do have a small programming background in some other programs. To give you some background on what I'm trying to do: I have a big .dwg file that shows all of the roads in a particular city in the USA, and I have created views of all of the intersections that have crosswalks. All of these intersections have their own intersection IDs, which have a format such as BRI1, BRI2A, BRI3B, BRI4, BRI5, etc., through BRI170. I have already created all of the views from these intersections, and now, in the same .dwg, I am trying to quickly create layouts from a template that show only one view each. I have a .dwt set up for this, and the name of the layout for this template is EB124. I want the layout tabs to be named corresponding to an intersection ID, and then have the viewport show that same view. So, I want layout 1 to be renamed BRI1, and have the viewport view restored to the named view BRI1, and so on for all of the named views. Here are the commands that I used to create a macro for this using the Action Recorder: -layout > t > [select template from file] > EB124 -layout > set > EB124 -layout > rename > EB124 > [ASK FOR USER INPUT, example BRI1] [select the viewport in the new layout and unlock the display] MSPACE -view > restore > [ASK FOR USER INPUT, example BRI1] PSPACE [select the viewport and lock the display] This macro works great, except that I have to press play and enter the intersection ID twice per layout tab. I'm wondering if its possible to create a lisp that does this routine but reads an excel (or other) file and loops through and creates all the layout tabs in one fell swoop? Thanks in advance for all of your help!
  18. Hello all, I've posted on SEVERAL forums trying to get an answer to this problem, I've compiled so many different Lisp routines that I've lost count, but none have quite been able to do what i want. i've attached a dwg with two blocks in it, the scope of what I'm trying to accomplish is at the bottom of this code: (defun BKVZ ( / blk idx obj sel vis ) (setq blk "WELD DETAIL" ;; Block Name vis "EQUAL WELD" ;; New Visibility State ) (if (setq sel (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "INSERT") (cons 2 (strcat "`*U*," blk))))) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (if (= (strcase blk) (strcase (LM:blockname (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx)))))))) (LM:SetVisibilityState obj vis) ) ) ) (princ) ) ;; I would like the visibility state of several different dynamic blocks ;; to reference a text field within the drawing, and the blk variable to be used for several different dynamic ;; blocks within my drawing. for example in this drawing i have two dynamic blocks, and two text fields that ;; represent the visibility states that i want to use for the blocks (this value will change so i want to use it as a ;; variable to change the db viz prop) . I would like to be able to use this code to change the vis states of ;; several blocks within the same dwg, each of which would have a text field that will display the present vis state. ;; if i have to use setq blk1, blk2, blk3, etc to represent each block that is fine, but with several different possible ;; vis states, i would like that varible to reference the text field. so as the text field changes, so does the vis state of the ;; dynamic block. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. THANK YOU!! NEW-LISP-TRIAL.dwg
  19. this lisp convert polyline segments to arcs . work one line for time . i need select 1000 polylines for times. I'm new in autolisp and i do know what change in the code : (defun c:lwsegs2arced ( / massoclst nthmassocsubst v^v unit _ilp doc lw enx gr enxb p1 p2 p3 b i n ) (vl-load-com) (defun massoclst ( key lst ) (if (assoc key lst) (cons (assoc key lst) (massoclst key (cdr (member (assoc key lst) lst))))) ) (defun nthmassocsubst ( n key value lst / k slst p j plst m tst pslst ) (setq k (length (setq slst (member (assoc key lst) lst)))) (setq p (- (length lst) k)) (setq j -1) (repeat p (setq plst (cons (nth (setq j (1+ j)) lst) plst)) ) (setq plst (reverse plst)) (setq j -1) (setq m -1) (repeat k (setq j (1+ j)) (if (equal (assoc key (member (nth j slst) slst)) (nth j slst) 1e-6) (setq m (1+ m)) ) (if (and (not tst) (= n m)) (setq pslst (cons (cons key value) pslst) tst t) (setq pslst (cons (nth j slst) pslst)) ) ) (setq pslst (reverse pslst)) (append plst pslst) ) (defun v^v ( u v ) (mapcar '(lambda ( s1 s2 a b ) (+ ((eval s1) (* (nth a u) (nth b v))) ((eval s2) (* (nth a v) (nth b u))))) '(+ - +) '(- + -) '(1 0 0) '(2 2 1)) ) (defun unit ( v ) (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (/ x (distance '(0.0 0.0 0.0) v))) v) ) (defun _ilp ( p1 p2 o nor / p1p p2p op tp pp p ) (if (not (equal (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1))) '(0.0 0.0 0.0) 1e-7)) (progn (setq p1p (trans p1 0 (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1)))) p2p (trans p2 0 (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1)))) op (trans o 0 (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1)))) op (list (car op) (cadr op) (caddr p1p)) tp (polar op (+ (* 0.5 pi) (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (trans nor 0 (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1)))))) 1.0) ) (if (inters p1p p2p op tp nil) (progn (setq p (trans (inters p1p p2p op tp nil) (v^v nor (unit (mapcar '- p2 p1))) 0)) p ) nil ) ) (progn (setq pp (list (car (trans p1 0 nor)) (cadr (trans p1 0 nor)) (caddr (trans o 0 nor)))) (setq p (trans pp nor 0)) p ) ) ) (or doc (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (vla-startundomark doc) (if (and (setq lw (entsel "\nPick LWPOLYLINE...")) (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget (car lw))))) "LWPOLYLINE") ) (progn (setq i (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint (car lw) (vlax-curve-getClosestPointToProjection (car lw) (trans (cadr lw) 1 0) '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) ) ;_ vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint ) ;_ fix p1 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam (car lw) i) p3 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam (car lw) (1+ i)) lw (car lw) ) (setq enxb (massoclst 42 enx)) (while (= 5 (car (setq gr (grread t)))) (setq p2 (_ilp (trans (cadr gr) 1 0) (mapcar '+ (trans (cadr gr) 1 0) '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) p1 (cdr (assoc 210 (entget lw))))) (setq b ((lambda (a) (/ (sin a) (cos a))) (/ (- (angle (trans p2 0 lw) (trans p3 0 lw)) (angle (trans p1 0 lw) (trans p2 0 lw))) 2.0) ) ) (setq n -1) (foreach dxf42 enxb (setq n (1+ n)) (if (= n i) (setq enx (nthmassocsubst n 42 b enx)) (setq enx (nthmassocsubst n 42 (+ (cdr dxf42) b) enx)) ) ) (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 (entmod enx)))) ) ) (prompt "\n Nothing selected or picked object not a LWPOLYLINE ") ) (vla-endundomark doc) (princ) )
  20. Hi I have written a Lisp routine (shown below) that measures the distance between two points, and applies a scale factor that is written within the lisp, and displays it within the command line. Although the lisp functions, it may not be the 'cleanest'. I was wondering if it was possible to add a function to the lisp that in addition to displaying the newly calculated distance, will display a bearing. ideally, the bearing displayed would be written in a Degrees Minutes Seconds format, and not directional bearings (Ex. N73°25'45"W would be displayed as 286°34'15"). In the language of the lisp I have written, from 'x1', North is 0°, and the angle is turned clockwise from north, to a line drawn between 'x1' and 'x2'. Any help would be great. If anyone has a lisp that already does this, or can amend my lisp to do it, that would be perfect. Thanks Ahmed ;Use this command to measure the distance between two points while applying a Combined Scale Factor ;Be sure to copy this lisp to your job folder, and set your CSF as required. Do not change CSF outside of job folder. ;Ahmed F. 2017 (defun c:DM () (setq TD 0) (setq x1 (getpoint "\nSelect First Point: ")) (setq x2 (getpoint x1 "\nSelect Second Point: ")) (prompt (strcat (rtos (distance x1 x2)) (rtos (setq TD (+ TD (/(distance x1 x2) 0.999848)))) ) ) (prompt (strcat "\nTotal Distance = " (rtos TD))) (princ) ) thanks again.
  21. Think VLIDE but from the year 2018 instead of 1999. More info: https://www.cadnauseam.com/2018/02/20/bricsys-shows-autodesk-how-to-do-mid-term-updates-again/ Screenshot:
  22. Hi there, here a thing I want the do with LISP: I want to change multiple Objects with different Layers, that each Layer change to a different Layer. Example: Select entities with (ssget "_:L" '((8 . "Layername1, Layername2, etc"))) Now change Layer: Layername1 → 1_Layername1 Layername2 → 1_Layername2 I don't want to select each entity and than change its Layer. I want to do all entities at the same time with one command.
  23. Hi, I have a Lisp that paste a file in a folder that require admin access, but is not all users that have a admin access account. So, there is some way to get the admin access with Lisp? Like, write my admin username and password in the Lisp file, and when required, use these information? Thanks!
  24. Hello all. First off let me thank Lee Mac for all that he does with LISP and how he helps others out. He is a great value to the community. Now for the question I have been trying to get his Tip of the day lisp working. I have the lisp in my startup suite, it and the text file are both in a support file search path, and it does not show a tip at the start of the day. The Lisp does load because I can type (LM:tip) and it shows a tip, it just does not show anything for the first dwg of the day. Could the issue be that I am using Civil 3D 2015, maybe so variable that is causing the problem? http://www.lee-mac.com/tipoftheday.html
  25. Hello, I'm using Lee Mac cad lisp program "PolyInfo V 1.3." for exporting polylines vertex coordinates. But for full work joy I need some modifications. URL for program: http://www.lee-mac.com/polyinfo.html URL for code: http://www.lee-mac.com/lisp/html/PolyInfoV1-3.html As you saw the program exports a lot of information about the polyline. So i want to modify the code that will export just polyline start vertex points x and y coords in two columns ( my cad version information exports to txt file ). The result should look like this: ________________________________ Polyline starts points x 649542.45 649542.35 649542.28 Polyline starts points y 495232.54 495232.23 495232.41 ________________________________ Can someone help to figure out which part of code I must to modify to get the result i want? Please.
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