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Found 11 results

  1. I just wondering if you can give me some suggestion or any tutorial about showing underground piping (CAD) on the aerial image from google earth. this is for the presentation purposes to show an idea of project. Appreciate any suggestion.
  2. Hi. I'm a beginner in CAD, I'm going to ask how to draft a lot using the coordinates(latitude and longitude) from google earth. Example: Point A. Latitude: 11 Degree 18'2.22"N Longitude: 124 Degree 57'46.89"E Please check my attachment picture.
  3. Hi. I'm a beginner in CAD, I'm going to ask how to draft a lot using the coordinates(latitude and longitude) from google earth. Example: Point A. Latitude: 11 Degree 18'2.22"N Longitude: 124 Degree 57'46.89"E Please check my attachment picture.
  4. Hi. I'm a beginner in CAD, I'm going to ask how to draft a lot using the coordinates(latitude and longitude) from google earth. Example: Point A. Latitude: 11 Degree 18'2.22"N Longitude: 124 Degree 57'46.89"E Please check my attachment picture.
  5. I was wondering if anyone know any free or paid software like google earth that can snapshot real time picture of site plan. I want to big snapshot of an excavation site plan to get all the underground piping during the excavation. I don't think google earth able to get the real time picture. if any other alternate solutions, please let me know. thanks
  6. I'm working in C3D 2012, w/the Publish to Google Earth functionality. I have managed to define object attribute fields and populate them with various C3D map tools. What I haven't managed to do is name the object. If I associate a number of fields to a polyline, the polyline will be listed in Google Earth as Polyline [75E7]:0, for instance. It appears that this polyline naming is generated w/in C3D, as it appears in the resultant kmz/kml file. How to I export the polyline from C3D with a name like "myPolyline" so that the name is readable in Google Earth? I'm hoping that I won't have to manually rename the objects after they have been imported into Google Earth . . . Thanks in advance.
  7. CADmonkey4228

    Gps ---> cad

    Currently working on some as-builts. Wondering if there is any program that will import gps coordinates from my handheld device and place them onto google maps images and then import that image with those gps waypoint into autocad. Thanks in advance
  8. Hi I am a student and have very basic Revit experience. I have been given a Revit model and I would like to place it into Google Earth or equivalent for presentation purposes. Is this possible baring in mind I have a student Autodesk account and student version software? I would also like to show this model on a site location showing a number of potential site locations. Again would I be able to export the building layout from Revit to some sort of mapping software again to produce a report. Thanks
  9. Tad_Thurston

    ACAD Civil 3D Google Image Import?

    Don't know why Autodesk decided to take away a nice feature but the 2013 version of Civil 3D does not have the import Google Earth image pull down window like the 2011 and 2012 versions had. Anyone know how to do this and keep the location of the image in the same coordinates as your drawing? The old system did this all automatically.
  10. Tad_Thurston

    Google Earth Image question

    In Civil 3D, under the Insert tab, there is a menu selection that allows you to insert a Google Earth image directly from Google Earth. This image is inserted to match the coordinates of your ACAD drawing. However, it does not always match the known correct line work, depending on the drawing settings. For example, if one was working on a project in California in Cal. Coordinate System, zone 2, the available coordinate systems (under the Units and Zone tab) could be HARN, NAD27 or NAD83. Then there is the transformation settings (under the Transformation tab) like: Sea Level Scale Factor and Grid Scale Factor. My question is: What are the best drawing settings to use for the best fit between the Google image and the drawing so that the image matches linework that you know is correct (based on certified surveys)? Thanks.
  11. Hi there, I am using Autocad LT 2013. I wish to use Autocad to draw subdivision lines and need to overlay satellite imagery (Google Earth or Google Maps) in tandem with Garmin GPS waypoints taken in the field. In the 'type a command' ribbon, when I type in 'GEOGRAPHICLOCATION' and select 'Import the current location from Google Earth' (opens Google Earth, where you can retrieve a location to import). Then a window appears which says 'Navigate to the location in Google Earth that you want to import before continuing (for best results, configure the view in Google Earth to look directly over the location that you want to import). When I select 'continue' the command ribbon asks that I, 'select a point for the location : Can someone please explain what this means? I have looked at the co-ordinates on google earth and attempted to enter but it does not feel right. Then says 'specify the north direction or (angle):s, then 'Point or option keyword required'. Can someone suggest a way to have the ability to draw subdivision lines on satellite imagery. Garmin's Basecamp will allow drawing on top of google earth but I do not want tracks, I will only use the waypoints made by the gps device, but I need to draw measured lines that reflect the co-ordinates of the location. Thanks
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