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  1. Thanks For Have this forum.. i have two boundary box (VIEWPORTS ) in every layout with different size , the main goal is to resize the viewports 1 (height and widht), -need to resize widht from 960 to 841 and height from 970 to 594 -all my layout contain this VIEWPORTS , so i need lisp to resize in all layout. -also the two VIEWPORTS using same layername "MV_BOX" thanks guys, im really apreciate it.
  2. Discreet objects shift location when viewed in paper space. For example, a light fixture placed on a wall will shift location to a few feet away. When I check back in model space the object is located correctly. (objects are not blocks). I think it may have to do with my having moved those objects while working in model space thru the actual viewport, but that usually isn't an issue.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A neat little utility that will zoom extents on all your viewports. Function Syntax: ze For instructions on how to run the program see here.
  4. hi, any way to improve below lisp? it create new layer and new viewport but after layerp command execute the layer color goes back to white and no plot becomes plot again. (defun c:vp() (command ".layer" "M" "viewport" "C" "8" "viewport" "P" "N" "viewport" "" "-VPORTS" pause pause ".layerp") (princ) )
  5. Hi all, firstly, apologies for my lack of technical terms on this, please bear with me whilst I try to explain what I am struggling with! Right, I have got a drawing of a school that we are designing the fire sprinkler layout on. For the initial approval drawings, I have printed it to scale an A0 paper which is fine. However, I am now looking at doing the construction issue drawings following the approval and I want these on no larger than A1 paper and a larger scale for ease of use on site. This is where my problem comes in. A colleague has previously split the original layout of another drawing up on the modal tab which worked, however, he was missing things when he made changes on one as he didn't move it straight over to the next saved area on another file. Therefore, I have seen it done before but not sure how, where it is a single model for the entire drawing, and then multiple layouts that show a pre-selected area on the model drawing to different layout pages. Does anyone have any advise on how to do this or a tutorial that I could read etc. I assume I would make a new layer for viewports and draw over the main drawing the areas where I want the splits, create my page layouts and then pick the referenced areas that I drew on the viewport layer? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hello, dear CADers this is my first post, so please don't rip my head off. I may lack the vocabulary to describe things the right way, but I will try. So I am making a drawing of a sliding door in 3D. Threre are two parts and they are of exactly same shape. I need to represent it from the front (half closed, and completely closed) and from the top (half closed, and completely closed). I know a bit about the viewports, but my questions is a bit more detailed. Is it possible (and if so how) to represent the door from views on the same page*? Do I just create two separate doors ( one open and one shut) and then change the layers so that one would be on f.e. CLOSED DOOR layer and the other one would be on the OPEN DOOR layer(and then block representation of the ones that I don't want in the viewport?) I hope that my question is clear enough. I attach a pdf of how I have it now. 13JAN slider 927.pdf
  7. Hi all, I have a colleague that came to me with a question. He would like to grab everything in a layout and scale it by 1.5X while at the same time having all of the viewports in that layout adjust their scales by 1.5 as well. I don't think there is a way to have AutoCAD automatically do this, but I thought I'd post it in case I'm wrong. Thanks.
  8. Hello I have noticed a similar pattern with quite a lot of drawings recently. I work a lot in Paperspace and quite a lot of my files have recently started lagging awfuly if I have 'Display Plot Styles' box ticked as part of my Page Setup. If I turn the Plot Styles off, it resumes back to normal, but it is incredibly annoying to work with all the colours on. Is this due to the amount of information I might have on the particular Layout? Does it happen once a certain amount of data has been drawn in the particular drawing file? Is it because my computer can't keep up with showing plot styles if there is too much information? Would welcome any thoughts or answers on this as I am wondering if I just need a better machine. I am fully aware that the current one is not great. Current spec. Processor: AMD A8-4555M APU with Radeon HDGraphics 1.60GHz RAM: 8GB 64-bit Many thanks!
  9. Hi All, Desperate here! I have a three drawings all on the same page at 1:1 scale. I am needing to print these three drawings onto an A3 piece of paper all at different scales. I was wondering how I am able to do this. I have a vague understanding that I need to use viewports? - I have my screen in layout set to three sections, however I am unsure of where to go from here! Really appreciate any help! Thanks
  10. HELP!! I need to change Titleblock size in PS from a scale of 48 down to 1. I will spare the details but I have switched to using Annotative objects/blocks.. My issue is the Viewports. I want to just select my layout(S) in paperspace with TB and scale by 1/48; but the Viewports lose their display. Is there any way to maintain the view when shrinking/scaling the viewport. ?! I am not referring to the scale, but the size. I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
  11. I could use some insight from some clever people..... Sorry for the length of the post, but I feel more explanation will help you in understanding my situation. I also believe this is a situation that MANY designers/Engineers face. I have tried to be as concise and brief as possible. We do custom fabrication of steel structures. We have a "bread-n-butter" product, as well as accommodating many different custom steel projects. Quite often these structures need many "small", and widely different parts. Therefore, for each project the fabricators need: part dwgs / details / subassembly details / etc.. (Just to be absolutely clear...) Definition of terms: Part: A piece of steel to be welded to another piece of steel, to create an over all assembly. Detail: A zoomed in or additional notes/dimensions provided of a particular joint of a steel part to another steel part. Evolution of the process over the past year: Previously we have used a single .dwg file for each and every part/detail. I've introduced having all parts/details for the project in one .dwg file. And have them shown in viewports in a layout tab with a titleblock. I'd like to automate as much of this process as I can. (The process is up for review if you wish to offer alternatives.) Using AutoCAD 2013. Process: MODELSPACE: The overall design of the project is completed. Any/all parts, steel joint details, fabrication details, sub-assembly details are created in the same .dwg file. LAYOUT TAB / PAPERSPACE: We would like to have as many parts/details on one printed sheet as possible. A company title block is in the layout tab. Multiple viewports are created in paperspace (as many as needed to show all the parts/details). Each viewport would show one of the parts/details from modelspace. Pictures worth their memory size: --→----→----↓-- ↓ Link to all the above images on Imgur.com LISP routine explained in reply ↓ *Edit* Added example .dwg file: View Parts in Layout.dwg
  12. Hello everybody! I have a lisp file which creates 2 new commands. If I use tne first command, all the viewports in my drawing are locked. If I use the other command, they are all unlocked again. If I use these commands, also the colors of these viewports are changing. If I lock them, they become green. If I unlock the viewports, they become red. The colors are only changing after I use these created commands. If I want to change something and I need to unlock a (locked=green colored) viewport manually at the properties. The color of this viewport doesn't change into red. Is there a way to change this lisp, so the color of a viewport is also changing after I lock or unlock him manually? This is the lisp: (vl-load-com) (defun dxf (n ed) (cdr (assoc n ed))) (defun c:vpl (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO) (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad) (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /= (progn (if (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "viewport") ) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of ssget ) ;_ end of setq (progn (setq count (sslength ss)) (setq i 0) (if (> count 0) (progn (while (< i count) (setq ent (ssname ss i ) ;_ end of ssname ) ;_ end of setq (setq vpNo (dxf 69 (entget ent ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of setq (if (> vpNo 1) (progn (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object ent ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object ) ;_ end of setq (if (= (vla-get-clipped vp ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped :vlax-false ) ;_ end of = (progn (vla-put-color vp 3 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color (vla-put-layer vp "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer ) ;_ end of progn (progn (setq pl (entget (dxf 340 (entget ent ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of setq ;get clip entity (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object (dxf -1 pl ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object ) ;_ end of setq (vla-put-color pl 3 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color (vla-put-layer pl "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer (vla-put-color vp 3 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color (vla-put-layer vp "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if (vla-put-displaylocked vp :vlax-true ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked (vla-update vp) ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if (setq i (1+ i)) ) ;_ end of while ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of vlax-for ) ;_ end of defun (defun c:vpu (/ AD COUNT ENT I PL SS TABNAME VP VPNO) (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts ad) (if (/= (setq TabName (strcase (vla-get-name lay))) "MODEL") ;_ end of /= (progn (if (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "viewport") ) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of ssget ) ;_ end of setq (progn (setq count (sslength ss)) (setq i 0) (if (> count 0) (progn (while (< i count) (setq ent (ssname ss i ) ;_ end of ssname ) ;_ end of setq (setq vpNo (dxf 69 (entget ent ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of setq (if (> vpNo 1) (progn (setq vp (vlax-ename->vla-object ent ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object ) ;_ end of setq (if (= (vla-get-clipped vp ) ;_ end of vla-get-clipped :vlax-false ) ;_ end of = (progn (vla-put-color vp 1 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color ; 3 green (vla-put-layer vp "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer ) ;_ end of progn (progn (setq pl (entget (dxf 340 (entget ent ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of entget ) ;_ end of setq ;get clip entity (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object (dxf -1 pl ) ;_ end of dxf ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object ) ;_ end of setq (vla-put-color pl 1 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color (vla-put-layer pl "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer (vla-put-color vp 1 ) ;_ end of vla-put-color ; 3 green (vla-put-layer vp "defpoints" ) ;_ end of vla-put-layer ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if (vla-put-displaylocked vp :vlax-false ) ;_ end of vla-put-displaylocked (vla-update vp) ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if (setq i (1+ i)) ) ;_ end of while ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of vlax-for ) Is it also possible, after I opened a drawing, every viewport is locked (and green) already? In other words, the command "VPL" is already used before I can change the drawing? Thank you all for your replies! Greetings Sander
  13. Hello, We xref and draw in Model Space then use viewports with title blocks scaled accordingly to the LTSCALE in Paper Space (i.e. 1"=50'-0" would have a setting of LTSCALE: 600). So this happens frequently....We receive a background from architect, civil engineer, etc.. and after cleaning up the background and then setting up our drawings, thus xref in the background; the linetypes from the xref get lost (i.e. say a dashed line will show continuous). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  14. Hi, I’m experiencing a particularly perplexing bug/issue. I am attempting to perform the mvsetup command (as I have done many times before without issue). I go through the following steps via the command line: Firstly – making sure I am in paper space in the view port I want to carry out the mvsetup command. 1. ‘mvsetup’ 2. ‘A’ 3. ‘R’ 4. ‘select my point of rotation’ 5. ‘enter my numeric value for angle of rotation’ Normally when I perform the above steps the viewport rotates the view to the angle I have entered. On this occasion (and I cannot duplicate this in any other drawing), the screen flickers and you briefly see the view rotating, but then it flickers back to its original state. In the command line the following appears: Command: _.UNDO Current settings: Auto = off, Control = All, Combine = Yes, Layer = Yes Enter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/Begin/End/Mark/Back] : _EN Command: I have copied the drawing objects into a new drawing, created a new layout and viewport and the mvsetup command works fine. However this is not a practical solution because to do this properly would result in too much time being spent reformatting all the sheets associated with the drawing. Any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Gman1979 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit AutoCAD 2015 64-bit 8GB Ram Intel CORE i7
  15. Hi All. Im assuming this could be done via a lisp but not entirely sure. Im wondering if there is a way to create a layout with border plus a viewport that uses a polyline/block set in model space as its reference for its limits. Almost the opposite way that the change space command works but creating a viewport in the process. I basically have some polylines setup in a drawing that essentially ring around certain areas and would like to create layouts from these polylines and use them for the boundaries. Im wondering if there is also a possiblity that if i create a block or something, it could use the block name to create a tab also. Thank you in advance.
  16. I scanned the forum and couldn't find anything on this so here goes.. I have a sheet with three viewports and need each one to have a different cut planes. When I change it in one VP it changes in the other two. Please help.
  17. Hello every one, i found thread about change height and width of particular one viewport. My current situation: I have 3 viewports. i want only one viewport at some specific coordinate (say x=100, y=200) and remain two viewports are are at other coordinate (say x=1000, y=2000) it is possible manually, by simply selecting 1st viewport and editing "Center X" and "Center Y" of their viewport property. if some one know than please help me... Alok
  18. The following information is about Layout Viewports also known as "floating" viewports which are different than Model Viewports also known as "tiled" viewports. Viewports are windows created in a paper space layout that allow the user to see the objects that were created back in model space. Viewports can be created using the MVIEW command. Viewports can be resized with their grips. Viewports can be moved, copied, rotated (see VPROTATEASSOC below), aligned and even deleted. Viewports are assigned a scale not the objects back in model space. Objects in model space should be drawn at FULL size. Each viewport can be assigned its own scale. Therefore it is possible to have six viewports and each can have a different scale. Double click inside a viewport to access model space. Double click outside a viewport to return to paper space. (Thanks Dadgad) It's a good idea to put viewports on their own layer and set the layer to "no print" in the Layer Properties Manager. Once you have your viewport set up the way you want it is a good idea to have the display locked. This can be done in a couple of different ways. One way is to do it via the Properties palette. The other way is to highlight the viewport frame then right click and change "Display locked" from "No" to "Yes". Doing this will prevent accidentally changing the viewport scale when moving between paper space and model space. Question: How does one pan in a locked viewport? Answer: You can grip edit the viewport effectively panning without unlocking it. (Thanks RobDraw) It is possible to freeze layers in individual viewports via the Layer Properties Manager and the VP Freeze column. Cycle between viewports by pressing Ctrl+R repeatedly until you reach the viewport you want. Viewports do not necessarily have to be rectangular; they can be odd shaped (polygonal) or even circular. Do this via the MVIEW command. Use either the Object or Polygonal option. The number of active viewports in a paperspace layout is controlled by the system variable MAXACTVP (maximum active viewports). The default setting is 16. The maximum value is 64. Viewports are ideally suited to displaying multiple views of 3D objects. Viewports can have their own visual style independent of not only each other but of model space too. Viewport controls were introduced in AutoCAD 2012 and appear in the upper left-hand corner of a viewport. This feature makes it easy to change the view or the visual style of an individual viewport. (Thanks Dadgad) Viewport Controls can be enabled/disabled via the system variable VPCONTROL at the command line. Viewport scale can be assigned/changed via the Viewports Toolbar, Properties palette, Quick Properties or by way of the scale list that appears in lower right-hand corner of one's screen on the Taskbar after clicking on the viewport frame. This link contains images of some of these options. http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?72213-Viewports-and-Setting-Scale&highlight=viewports * * * * * * * * * * * * From AutoCAD Help: VPROTATEASSOC Controls whether the view within a viewport is rotated with the viewport when the viewport is rotated. 0 When a viewport is rotated, the view inside is not rotated. 1 When a viewport is rotated, the view inside is rotated to match the rotation of the viewport. Note: After rotating a viewport, VPROTATEASSOC is set to 0 for a new viewport created in the same layout.
  19. Hello all, I'm trying to create dimensions that only reference the layout tab. Example- When I dimension from two end points within the same viewport, the dimension reads out 50' because that's the length of the line regardless of the scale the viewport displays. Now I add another viewport and try to dimension between viewports and the dimension references the layout. Regardless if it's the same viewport or not I need the dimension to reference the layout/paper space. Thank you in advance, Mik
  20. Hello, I am working on an alignment sheet for a gas line. I am showing an aerial in my main viewport in plan view. I am only showing line work between match lines nothing pass that except the aerial. However I have two more viewports aside from the main one. I have one to each of the sides of the main viewport to show the aerial image only pass the match lines. My viewports are locked all three of them, yet my image on the viewports to each of the sides of the match lines keep acting up and won't show correctly every time I zoom out or in. They'll be a time that they will but if I zoom out or in after that they will move and not match my main viewport were the line work is at. I only copied the main viewport and resized it to fit in the template pass the match lines. Created a reference point to zoom into my aerial after the match line and it all works until I'm ready to plot and zoom out then it messes up. Is there a better way to do this? Anyone.....
  21. This only happens from time to time. I have a sheet set up with multiple viewports. I double click in one viewport, type LAYER, and the layer dialog appears but my viewport has changed. Anyone else have this problem and more importantly have a solution? Thanks.
  22. Hi, I am using CAD 2012, and when I use the viewport command it split the screen in the desire number of screens, but the zoom goes in each windows to (like) zoom extend, so I can't use diferent zooms in each window.. Some days ago it works fine so I could visualize different parts of my drawing, but now I don't know what happened.. Could you help me please!!!. Tx.
  23. I have created a customised paper size in page setup (3000X900mm); the viewport is a clipped polygon which was chosen as I wished to create a small legend in the bottom corner. Although the drawing has only 1 viewport, when I attempt to plot, the console reads "plotting viewport 2" and nothing actually plots. The plotter is working fine for other drawings. Any ideas what might be wrong?
  24. hello, I have a question regarding viewports. We received drawings from our sub-contractor and we noticed that there is something wrong with their drawing, so I decided to make the modification, but when i opened the file and switched it to layout tab, I was not able to see the line for their respective viewports. I am wondering how did they do that? Does anyone knows about that. but if you are going to double click that drawing, the viewport will be visible. One more thing is, when i found the viewport and re-scale the things that i want to show inside that viewport, I was confused because in the model tab there are only two drawings which is the plan layout of our project, (the section view and the top view). what they want to show in layout tab is only the topview, so, when i tried to check they used only the top view, yes, but how? because in model tab as what i have said before "THERE'S ONLY 2 DRAWINGS" I am wondering if the make some tricks with this. i hope you all got my questions.
  25. okay, confession time: *l-o-n-g* time acad user and abuser, but i am not understanding some viewport 'features' that feel like bugs to me: 1. UCSFOLLOW: i don't get it, don't like it, and it doesn't do anything for me except make *other* viewports contents jump around weirdly. i have actually read a couple tutorials, etc on this, and *still* don't see what use it has for me (bearing in mind that there are a million autocad commands that are useful only in certain circumstances; i'm sure there are applications it is helpful) 2. related to that, in using drawings set up by others, i go to one viewport and double-click it to pan the view to another widget in model space, change the scale, whatever, and *another* separate viewport decides on its own it wants to flip around to some oddball view, for dog's sake *why*? i WANT my viewports to be separate and discreet, not connected in some fashion that messes up another one. i don't get it. (the original viewport had UCSFOLLOW = 0, and the other = 1; *why* is simply double-clicking the original viewport causing the other to flip around?) in any event, i usually work around these things by simply making new viewports, etc; but i *like* to take existing drawings as templates when they have most of the same type of work I'm going to be doing on a new project, but the viewport weirdness makes that reuse of files annoying. color me stoopid, charleyy charley@svmarchitects.com
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