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Found 24 results

  1. I have a a drawing in Model Space and have multiple tabs with multiple viewports all displaying different views, objects and scales of the geometry in Model Space. I now need to move all the geometry in Model Space. I know about ALIGNSPACE where you can adjust the alignment one viewport at a time.. With multiple viewports affected by the model space move, is there a "quick" way to realign all the viewports with their respective geometry? Maybe all at once?? The move will affect them all "relative" one to another. All my searching only returns how to move FROM Model Space TO Paper Space and back Please advise
  2. Hi everybody, I have a big problem.... I have about 100 DWG with a lot of sheet in the same model space and i must print every sheet, so i am looking for a script in VBA or lisp to create from multiple areas to plot in model space, a layout tab for each area vba autocad. I found a lisp script, but it doesn't run (plotDWGarr). (http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/plotting-a-series-of-drawing-frames-composed-in-a-dwg-drawing-tip7585) Do you know another similar script o to write a VBA to do it? Thank you very much in advance
  3. I'm working with a floor plan that was forwarded by a contractor. When I go to paper space in the layout tab, a big "S" appears in the middle of the floor plan but it is not there in the model space. How do I make the "S" disappear from my paper space layout? I'm using AutoCAD 2012 - the file I'm working with was created from a newer version that I had to "save down".
  4. Hello Everyone. I really hope someone can help me. I cannot plot anything from my model space. It doesn't matter if it's in a layout and using viewports, or if I try to plot directly from model space. When plotting I get a very faint image, if anything. I know my printer is working because it will plot the title block surrounding the view port, but not the text in it. I have tried changing from monochrome, acad.ctb, greyscale, virtual pen, and none of them create a better image than a very faint picture within my title block. None of my layers are turned off or frozen in the off position. Nor does it matter if I change all the lines to black instead of the different colors of my layers. And I also updated the driver to my printer, they had an updated version of a printer diagnostic which said that my printer is fine. I hope someone else has had this problem, and solved it because I am at my wits end now. Thank you in advance for your time and support
  5. Hi, I have a complex drawing (155 layers) of a site, and although I can see all layers in paper space layouts, in model space I can only see the ones I exported as pdf's. I've turned all layers on (hence why I can see them in paper space) but they are still invisible in model space. I need to alter the drawing so this is proving very annoying!!
  6. would anyone know why a layer wouldn't be showing up? i've got the layer both switched on on my view port and on the model space, it's also not frozen. it's showing on the model space but not on the paper space? help would be appreciated!
  7. Afternoon All, I'm working on a project that requires me to produce phasing drawings for store alterations at a well known supermarket. I have a LIVE plan which is the existing floor plan and a FOS plan which is the proposed; I move/copy from the proposed into the existing detailing the changes needing to happen this involves lots on layers and a shed load on layer states. I work with two viewports in Model spaces one showing the existing the other showing the proposed. At the moment I scroll around the store in one VP then have to move to the same spot in the other. I was wondering if there is a way to 'link' the two viewports so that as I scroll around in one the same spot all be it on the other plan shows in the other viewport. I currently keep the two drawings about 100000mm apart so any moves or copies are an easy number. Look forward to hearing your thoughts Stenna
  8. rosswhiteeca

    Metric scaling

    Hi, I've created a drawing in model space in centimeters which I originally drew on A4 paper @ 1:100. When I bring it up in paper space I have to make it 1:10 to fit. Do I need to scale the drawing in model space using z enter s enter 1/10 xp enter to make it the correct scale? I find the scaling issues very confusing! The site itself is fairly large, 15m x 3.5m
  9. I have a layer for boiserie that needs to be printed out in a dark brown, but I can barely decipher it in Model Space on the black background. So, I've been tending to change the layer color to light brown just so I can see it. Yesterday, I accidentally ordered 30 huge colored sheets with the wrong layer color!! What a waste! Anyways, I know you can go into individual Viewports and can change a layer color one by one. My question is the inverse- I want to change the layer color ONLY for viewing purposes in Model, and for the layer to print out in its original dark color in ALL the viewports, as normal. Does anyone know how to do this?
  10. I use the paper space / view ports for my annotations and finalizing my drawings before printing. I design all my models in model space. The old designers do everything in model space including all annotations, borders, etc. They are complaining that my autocad files do not have the final prints with annotations , borders, title block visible in model space where they are use to going to view the parts in the file. Is there a way I can move the drawing from paper space / view port with all the annotations, title block etc to model space? I could make a special area that they could go to to view the drawings and bypass using the view port tabs. Is that even possible?
  11. Hi all, I've just been given the mother of all assignments. I have abou 490 dwg files that have a title block in model space that is an old one and I've been told to take the dwg number and place it in a X,Y position in model space. As far as I know, the title blocks for all 490 files is the exact same one, however, the drawing numbers are all different. I can't open up all 490 drawings, that would drive me insane. If anyone would point me in the right direction for doing this, that would be great, otherwise... I have a basic idea for the pseudo code and am formulating some code in my head, but if anyone has a better idea... Many thanks for any help,
  12. Hi there, I am having an issue with my template that I created from an old drawing: the quick view layout thumbnail still shows the old drawing in model space. All of the paper space thumbnails update themselves as I work, however model space does not. It shows the old drawing both when I hover over the model space tab, and also when I pull up all of my quick view layouts. I am using AutoCAD 2009, Is there a way to fix this?
  13. I'm not new to autocad but it has been a few years since using it and I have what I think is a simple question. When I was working with autocad there was a command I could use that could send something from the layout space to the model space. It is not the export to model space function. With this command I could select and object to send to model space. It was all done from the command line. Anyone know what I am referring to?
  14. I usually draw in model space 1:1 and then scale my drawing in paper space to fit my sheet, but when I'm scaling I also scale my text. Is there a way to keep my text at 1/8 even after scaling my drawing from model space? thanks
  15. Hi I have been an AutoCAD user for years but I am recently running into the issue of working with certain users that are still scaling their drawings in model space and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to scale it back to 1:1 so that I can draw in it! Most of the drawings I come across are drawn to 1/8" scale, and I only know this because they are drawn with scales in model space to reference. The drawings are set up at 1/8" and when I dimension, it dimensions correctly but when I draw it is 1:1 and so my lines are massive in comparison. I have read all the forums and tried numerous attacks with the 'scale' command to no avail. I am extremely frustrated as this brings my work to a stand still. Please help!
  16. nathanaelbfw

    UCS lisp routines?

    Hi all! I have been learning lisp routines and am struggling to work out the one I need to rotate my model space. I have solved the routine for getting back to the original ucs setting: (defun c:EU nil (command "ucs" "w" "plan" "w") (princ)) The one that isn't working I think should look like this: (defun c:UE nil (command "ucs" "e" "plan" "current") (princ)) However, this routine fails to rotate to the current UCS despite registering the selected ucs. Thank you
  17. Ok, so I have this drawing that I just finished. There were a few dotted lines that were showing up correctly in model space. Then, when I switched over to paper space all of those lines were solid. I messed around with the option LTSCALE and set it to 0.01. This made the lines show up correctly in paper space, but now they are all messed up in model space. Is there an option to make it so they show up exactly the same in both model and paper space? Thanks
  18. Another basic/noob question! Down in the bottom right hand corner of the main CAD window, next to where the little scale and annotation buttons are, there should be another little box with PAPER and MODEL for when you have viewports on. commonly used for when you are zoomed in on a viewport and working in it and need to swap to model to zoom out, so that you dont zoom out in the viewport ruining your scale and allignment etc. does anyone know how to get that little box back if it has vanished?? thanks guys!
  19. My company recently hired out some AutoCAD work. The task they completed was to load our drawings from pre-CAD days (1970s and 80s) into AutoCAD and update them with new piping and notes. Somehow, when they did this, the drawings in model space ended up sideways, but they are right-side-up in paper space. This is making it very difficult to work with the drawing in model space. A simple rotation of the entire model space drawing does not solve the problem because the xref files are correctly oriented, and they do not rotate with the added notes, etc. Also, it does not work to rotate just the notes and realign the leaders because then the drawing ends up sideways in paper space. There must be some way to fix this, I just can't seem to figure out how. Help? Thanks!
  20. My drawings appear small in paper space than they do in model space. How do i get them to fill the paper space?
  21. Hi Was wondering if it was possible for me to have my dashed and centre lines constantly looking the same when I'm in MS and PS? at the moment my drawing is set up so that the lines print correctly and look right in PS but when I'm in model space they all look solid which is frustrating for the drawing I'm doing. I've had a look around and can't get anything to work Also my MSLTSCALE and are set to (1) Cheers
  22. Hello everyone.. all i know when you create new sheet it all converted to 1:1. i have problem when it comes to fixed or blocked unit scale on model space. when you open it at model space it already turn into a fixed scale like 1:60 or 1:50 and they directly plotted on model space. im using lay-out space when it comes to plotting. 1. Now, i wanted to get some of the objects to the fixed scale at the model space and transfer it to another new sheet i made but when i paste it, it still the same. how can i adjust the unit. 2. Teach me please how to plot directly into model space which i can use different unit scale. Thanx alot. pls help. _Susuxion.
  23. Over the years I've run into some maddening little "features" in AutoCAD. I'm curious if other users have seen these happen or if they're quirks of my hardware. I don't use scripts. First, I should mention that I prefer working in model space. It's very rare for me to go "through" a viewport to fix something in model space. Sometimes, when finished in model space, I'll look for the button that toggles me back to paper space and it won't be there . There doesn't seem to be any reason for that button to disappear, especially since all the other buttons are still there. Anyone seen this or have an explanation?
  24. Greetings everyone; I am trying my hand at annotative text and I am about to pull out what little hair I have left in trying to figure out how exactly to set the dimension text in model space so I can see it and still be annotative. Here's the problem. I am creating a drawing 1:1 in model space like I'm suppose to. Let's say it's a rectangle, 500mm by 300mm. I draw it, then select it, go into properties and select yes to make it annotative at a 1:20 scale (metric) .Now when I dimension a line the dimension text is so tiny it might just as well be a grid dot. I just don't understand it. I need step by step, hand holding instructions on how to set up my dimension text height in model space and still be annotative. Eventually I want to be able to take a drawing created in AutoCAD 2007 with it's callouts in one size and it's dimensions in another and leader text and arrows in yet another size and read all in model space (without a magnifying glass) and print (oops) I mean plot in paper space without issue.
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