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  1. hello, i need some help on how to check a selection set if it contain "wipeout" entity? if it does (draworder "back") and proceed to the next string of command. if not then just proceed likewise with some alert msg. please have a look at my simple routine ;this routine will let the user select multiple object ;& PASTEBLOCK the selection - 112011 ;- (defun c:pblk (/ bp opt selx) ;- (princ "Select basepoint: ") (setq bp (getpoint)) (setq opt "_b") ;- (setq selx (ssget)) ;- [color="blue"];check the selection set "selx" if there is any "WIPEOUT" entity selected ;if "wipeout" is/ are PRESENT (command:"_.draworder" "wipeout" opt) ;(alert "wipeout found -> sent to back") ;proceed to next ;if wipeout is/ are NOT found ;(alert "wipeout NOT found") ;proceed to next[/color] ;- (command "_.copybase" bp selx "") (command "_.pasteblock" bp) (command "_.erase" "previous" "") (princ) );end defun ;;; (the BLUE is where i hope i can put in the necessary codes) im using autocad 2009 thanks in advance
  2. I'm a college Architecture student using CAD 2011 for MAC. I have multiple copies of a block, and when I move one copy to a layer, it doesn't seem to actually move. For example, if I have 2 copies of block A, and move one copy from layer "Inside" to layer "Outside", then hide layer "Outside", the block I just moved doesn't hide, but everything else on layer "Outside" does hide. When I inspect the moved block, the properties say it's on layer "Outside". What is going on? Thanks!
  3. Hi there! I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen. Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies. I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black. So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command????? Thanks in advance!!
  4. I have created a generic title block for all my drawings and I have some attributes for the block. Is it possible to have a drop down list for an attribute so I do not have to type in the value/text each time? If so, how? I want to be able click on 'customer 1' or customer 2' ect. and not have to type it in the attribute. I'm using Autocad 2011.
  5. Hello! Long time lurker, first time asking a question... I am trying to select all of the text objects that reside beneath a block (I need to include the block too). The block can only be identified by having the attribute tag, "ADREM." My initial plan of attack is to locate the block based on the attribute tag and extract the coordinates (I'm having an issue with this), then select all the objects using the coordinates as an anchor. Thanks for all the help you guys have provided (unknowingly) thus far on other issues as well, this site is quite the resource. Take care, Seth
  6. I need a plan view of a gate crane as a block to insert into my drawing. It is not necessary to be detailed and a simple one is acceptable. Is there any place to find it. Attached photo shows what I am looking for.
  7. Grover121

    4" Tee pipe problem

    Hello, I'm currently taking a Basic AutoCad class at school. I just got assigned a group project where everyone draws an assigned 2D wblock and when the class is finished we're going to piece the wblocks together to make one large drawing. I know how to make the wblock but my problem is I don't understand these dimensions or how to use them to make my drawing in AutoCad and was hoping I could get some help here. I am assigned to draw a 4" Tee pipe (2D) and I have a sheet of poorly scanned paper with a table giving me the Nominal Pipe Size, Outside Diameter, Center to End of Run, Center to End of (I think it says Branch? it's very poorly scanned so it has a smudge over the letter next to the "B" so it looks like B?anch). I really have no idea on how to go about this and it is due tomorrow night at the end of class. Under the Nominal Pipe Size category the dimensions that pertain to 4 are: Outside Diameter: 4.500 Center to End of Run: 4 1/8 Center to End of B?anch: 4 1/8 If I recall correctly our teacher told us to round off the numbers to 4 which doesn't make any sense at all to me. Any help at all is appreciated.
  8. I have a site plan from another .dwg that I copied with base point and inserted into my .dwg as a block. To edit this block in my .dwg I Rt. Click-Edit Block in Place, then use the Refedit Toolbar to save my changes. It seems each time I edit the block the linework, circles, etc. are duplicated; resulting in several duplicate objects stacked on top of each other within my block. I exploded the block, used the drawing cleanup tool and it found 37,000+ duplicate objects to delete! This happened before in another .dwg. I am running AutoCAD Civil3D Land Desktop Companion 2009, I also have an EaglePoint plug-in that we use to download our data if that helps. Any suggestions to remedy this problem would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Hello friends, how is it possible to get all blocks in a drawing and use them entirely in current session, without opening it. I mean something like ADCenter via VisualLISP.
  10. Hi everyone. I'm escentially an absolute newbie on AutoCAD, and I've been assigned to edit a cad file about some buildings (changing all the lines, blocks, and stuff to color 8!) The issue is that the model itself is all about blocks. The first block is, well, everything; inside it are like 15+ more blocks, and so on and on. So the question is... how can I change de color of all the objects, like real quick, without having to edit every object on the Block Editor!! Thanks in advance, and sorry any mistake (being this my first post in this forum, and also, not being english my native tongue) Oh... btw, I'm working on AutoCAD 2011 LT
  11. how do i do this?

    Text Attributes dissapear after blocked

    Hey its me yet again, i have a dynamic block that took me a while to make cause it was very fiddly and time consuming. BUT i want to add some attributes to this block without having to redraw it all over again. I have been able to edit the block, put in the attributes, and dynamically stretch them. But the problem is, because i have a few visibiliy layers, it will only show up on the most recently worked-on layer, after i exit the block editor. I have used "attsync" command but doesnt do much.. please help? All I want is to add attributes to already made blocks (with visibility states) without the drama
  12. how do i do this?

    Text Attributes - Deletes drawing

    okay, so i have a dynamic block. I am able to stretch it how i want BUT, the moment i add a text attribute to it, my block dissapears. this does not always happen, although i do the exact smae thing every time. what can i do to avoid the lock being deleted/hidden when i add a text attribute to it? by the way, i am trying to stretch the text attributes with the block (or move, which ever choice of words you use)
  13. Back ground: My blocks are comming in at the wrong size. I read a post some time back that had the setvar as a side note tidbit that talked about it. I wrote it on a stick note but the dang thing fell behind my 300 lb desk. I have done a search for it but, can't remember what I was looking for when I found it. I'd ask facilities to move my desk to get it but frankly, those guys scare the bejesus out of me:unsure: They have no disernable necks. . . .that's just not natural! The real question: Does anyone know the setvar that effects a blocks ability to be inserted at the dimscale? my dimscale is 20 and my blocks are coming in at 1.67. Dainty arn't they?
  14. Currently I have a large list of individual AutoCAD 2004 part drawings, and I would like to compile them all into one giant AutoCAD file where I can see them all at once. I am wondering if, after this big drawing is made, I can edit the individual files and have those changes show up on the compilation drawing without too much work. I have been trying to make each individual drawing its own block using wblock, but this has not been working as easily as I would like. Thanks for the help!
  15. So new to LISP it's ridiculous, and I need help. I'm doing some designs for lighting and sound, and I have sets of blocks at various points around a floorplan. I plan on making these blocks (dynamic blocks if necessary) and giving them similar nomenclature according to what they are (speakers, monitors, motors, trusses, etc.). Now, rather than going through and measuring the distance by hand, so to speak, for every single item, I'd love to find a LISP routine where I can insert a custom (like 200, 0) insertion point to measure from, and measure each (or batch) block's distance from that point. If the results could be posted in a table, that would be even more awesome. Presumably I would use the names of the similar blocks, as in, any block with the word "motor" in its tag or name. I sense I am asking for something rather big here...
  16. how do i do this?

    Text Atributes

    How would i insert a text atribute to a block that i have already made? AND, does it give me the option to make the text vertical & horizontal before blocking it for use?
  17. MrCrossCountry


    I'm looking for a site that will let me download a ionic column entablature.
  18. Ok, so i have created a dymanic block with tags named "ID_EL" and saved it in a dwg named "ID_EL_DWG.dwg". I open a new drawing and with vba in want to: import the "ID_EL" reference form the "ID_EL_DWG.dwg" file, and the insert the block 3 times in the modelspace with different tag values. I figured out almost everything except the first part. How can i load a block reference form another dwg into the current one? I don't want to insert the dwg as block because then i must explode it to get acces to my dynamic block with tags to modify it. Hope it's not a lot to ask, but i searched the web many times for this and found nothing. (except inserting dwg as block) Alternative solutions are also welcome. Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi I think this is a simple question for you guys but how do you find the rotation of a block within a drawing that I know the name. I want to create a new USC that is at the same rotation. I have tried Associated List 50 but there does not seem to be a rotation angle in that list is there some way to look into the properties and draw a rotation angle for there Here is a the code I tried [font=Tahoma][font=Tahoma](setq vfrt (assoc 50 (entsel "a3m_MS_viewframe_01000")))[/font] [/font]
  20. Hello all, At my company we recently switched from model/paperspace to strictly model space. When we using model/paper the blocks had a 1:1 scale since the paper space was 1:1. Now that we use model we scale the border to match the geometry in model space. My question is, is it possible to have the blocks from the toolpallet scale to match the scale of the border in model space. Example. If the border is 1:1 the block is ok, but if the model scale is 1:2 I want the block to double in size. If it is 1:4 I want the block to scale quadruple in size.
  21. Hi again guys I am putting together a CAD block library for the water team here and have been given some catalogues of the dimensions. is it possible to make a dynamic block that changes in size, but is also a 3d model? besides inventor? cheers Marcus also how could i link a table from a catalogue to my dynamic block for 2D and / or 3D
  22. Hello community! Since people were kind enough to help me on my first attempt, (thanks mostly to StykFacE ) I am back with a second thread regarding blocks and dim leader. When using dim leader, we can choose the arrow head we need from a droplist in the Properties Palette (arrow filled/blank, dot filled/blank, box, oblique, triangle, etc.). The one concerning this post is the last one in the list : user arrow. I want to use an ellipse block as "user arrow". I use this block when I have like 3 or more pipes, wires, ducts, with the same sizes close to each other. Basically, the ellipse groups all objects visually and the leader shows the size for all of them (instead having a multileader pointing to every single item.) At the moment, I have to insert the ellipse block in my drawing, delete it (without purging it so it stays in memory) then I can select it from the "user arrow" menu. I'd like my block to be already loaded in the drawing for me to use it and get rid of the preivous steps I explained. For new drawings, I don't have this problem because I have included the block in our default template. Every time a new drawing is created using the template, the block becomes available for me to use it as user arrow. However, for old or existing drawings, the fix doesn't apply and I have to manually insert the block and then remove it from model space. Any idea on how I could tackle this one? My spidey sense tells me it involves LISP.
  23. Hi everyone, I would like to read a table that would be linked with block attributes. Like a table (either AutoCAD or Excel) of fluids with pressure, temperature, flowrate... that I would link to attributes. I tried to insert a field in the attribute, but what I've found in fields are properties like Color/Layer/Column/Rows ... Anyone could help? Guiboard
  24. Question: Is it possible to Map Material in the Block? Why do I want that? Just made one block of stair, and copied them that I could do changes to all of them by one modify. I want to fix the wood material map in that Block EDIT: Found a way how to rotate material, by rotating object by 90, add material again, and rotate 90 it back I wonder is it possible to bypass those blocked command in Block?
  25. Hi All, I have a block that goes to the standard "0" layer when inserted from the toolpallette onto a drawing. I go into the block editor and everything is on the "AM_6" layer, like it should be. I am not sure why the block is switching layers when inserted. Any ideas?
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